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Dear all,
In this topic, Teacher Faiza and me Teacher Marwah will post all our students’ work here.
We started the second meeting for our students in which we distributed some work to each student to do but they can all do it together too. We asked about their ideas and they came with wonderful and great ideas of good deeds. They seem that they understood the project well.
As we are going to do some work inside and outside the school, other teachers and families should know who we are (students + teachers), therefore, we designed cards for our students to wear whenever they do good deeds and whenever we go to do good deeds.
 Here are some photos of the meeting and the cards we distributed among the students of iEARN.
More photos and work will be posted here in this topic. I will update it always.
Hope you like them.
T.Marwah AL-Rawahi T.Faiza AL-Tobi Al-Ajyal A’Saeeda School

Yesterday, we started our activities in the project. We visited the center of disabled children. We took presents for them. My pupils played with these innocent children. In fact, it was wonderful. I will post my pupils writings and the photos soon.
Regards Bahia Alrashdi Oman  
 Nothing can stop the good deeds at our school which help us in making the students aware of the needs of the good deeds in our religion. One of the things that we have done is designing a booklet which will help the students know the right actions of each prayer during the day in afantastic way.
Hasnaa Oman
Speaking about Good Deeds in a real life situation, one week ago. The students’ organization in my school donated a number of money to the victims of earthquake disaster in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. They have collected every cent of money from the students and other school staffs, and sent it through a certain institution to be delivered to the victims.
We, who live in Java Island didn’t get much effect from the earthquake when it happened (we just felt a little trembling, but still it was shocking us). The point is that from joining Good Deeds Projects my students’ awareness to help and share with others has been increasing. Thank you once again for inviting us to participate in this project.
Abdullah Suarta English Teacher, Indonesia
 Dwiki Prayuda XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia Smile,
Are simple good things to do.
Filmantoro XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia The honesty is a good deed
Make it a part of our life
To make it better.
Oki Fahmi Dian XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia Friends make us special
Without friends we’re nothing
Do the best deeds to our frien ds
Monica Nadira XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia My hands are yellow, hers are red
His are purple, and the other’s are blue
We have different colours
But we can make this world colorful, together.
Maria Christiningrum XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia Humbleness is the strange thing in the world
When you think you have it, it means you don’t have it
So, keep being humble, just like you have never been.
Euis Desi MS XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia Life is a white paper
Everything we do will be on it
Everything we draw will decorate it
Good deeds is the most beautiful painting.
Puspita Widya Putri XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia When the en d of the day comes
Our true friend is just our good deeds
Let’s race to do it as many as possible.
Siti Haifa XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia If you don’t have money to share
If you don’t have strength to help
Give your prayer instead
Good deeds are various things to do.
Hafsah Salamah XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia A mother sacrifices her life for her children
But because of that, the children can see the world
Every good deed has its own purpose.
Avi Melati XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia Mirrors around you
Good and bad deeds are reflected
Which one do you choose?
Wiega Atria Chandra XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia Lord and us
We don’t know where He is
But He knows what we do
So let’s do our best deeds
Fardhila Rochman XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia Darwin said apes and human are similar
One thing makes them different
Apes will grab good things from their friends
But human will share good things with their friends.
Astri Wiraswany XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia When we were born, we cried and others laughed
So, fill up your life with good deeds
Then when you die, others will cry and you will smile.
My name Siti Haifa. I’m from Senior High School 1 Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. I want to tell you about my experience.
Someday I went to go to Gramedia Book Store for buying some books. But, the books which I searched for couldn’t be found. So, I just read some books there and went back home using public bus. Along the way, a little street singer entered the bus. He sang with heart. After singing, he asked for some money to all passengers. I felt so pity on him; I wanted to give more money to him, but small money I had only five hundred rupiahs. Although I only gave him Rp500.00, I hoped it could be useful for him. Then, he got out of the bus, and the bus moved again. After that, I got off at Departement Store, because I wanted to buy a present for my friend. I bought some books and letter. Then, I went home.
At home, I checked the bill. Actually, the book with the price Rp 5000,00,- has not paid yet by me because it was not counted by the cashier. My god ! I felt that book was not legal for me, I couldn’t use that book, but I thought maybe it was a response from Allah because I gave money to a little street singer in the bus. If that was true, the response was ten doubled. Subhanallah, but I still feel worried, although it wasn’t caused by me, but I should have paid that book. Cause I wouldn’t use illegal goods.
Lastly, someday I returned back to the book store and paid that book. Ffuhh,, I felt relieved because that book was legal for me then, and I could use it.
The message I could get from my experience was that we could spend our money (even in a bit number) for goodness; God surely would give us double in return. If not, it would be paid in the after life later. I hope all people in the world would share their money with poor people, because the money we got was not completely ours, some of them belonged to the poor.
SITI HAIFA XI Science 8, SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, Indonesia
Hi, Guys! I’m Galuh Nisa. I’m student from Senior High School 1, Bogor, Indonesia. Let me tell you about one true story that happened in my life. And this story really changed my mind, which before was too underestimate the power of support and spirit. Now, check this out!
When I was in Junior High School, at the last year, one of my schoolmates got a very seriously sick. His name is Fahmi. Based on the doctor’s diagnose, Fahmi got lupus. He was infected by this disease when he was in the second year. Slowly but sure, Lupus made his body weak. When we would face UAN (Ujian Akhir Nasional) – national examination to decide the students in Junior High School graduated or not, Fahmi collapsed. He had to take several treatments in hospital. Everyday, Fahmi’s condition got worse. He started to face kidney failure. He should have blood cleaning once a day. His foot got swell because the water in his body couldn’t get out. He seemed very pale and became very thin.
All of us thought that Fahmi wouldn’t survive. Although he could go through his sickness, he wouldn’t pass Junior High School exam because he couldn’t go to school and studied. But, Fahmi kept holding on. He did the homework and tasks, copied the n ote, and tried to keep up the lesson. Because of his amazing enthusiasm to struggle and followed UAN, all of his friends supported him. They told about funnies event in the school, cheered him up, taught him the lesson, etc. They always visited Fahmi after the school. All of that made Fahmi felt happy and strong. He ignored his sickness and just thought about UAN. In his mind, he just wanted to graduate from Junior High School. For six months, Fahmi had been hospitallized. And, surprisingly, Fahmi passed the UAN, and could enter the Senior High School, with good result.
That was my story, and as I said before, Fahmi’s life story could change my point of view and opened my mind. He and his friends showed me that although we had a very hard problem in our life, we must struggle and face it. We can’t run away. Because if we run away, the problem will follow us until we die. And, another lesson that I get is never underestimate the power of support. Support not only can make us happy and feel strong to survive, but also show us that we’re not alone. And finally support can open our mind, that many people in this world faced the same problem, even their problem sometimes worse than us.
Last but not least, I know Lupus will always be in Fahmi’s body, and he can’t have a normal life for a long time. But, I’m sure with the development of medical science, sooner or later it can be invented the medicine of Lupus and cured Fahmi.
Galu Nisa XI Science 8, SMA Negeri 1 Bogor,
Assalamualaikum,wr.wb . . Hi. . . My name is Astri Wiraswany. I am Indonesian. I study at senior high of one Bogor (SMAN 1 Bogor). Let me tell you my good deeds.
Once upon a time, I went to school later than before. At that time, I went to school at 06.00. That’s later fifteen minutes than before. I usually went to school at 05.45. I usually took a small public car to school but my mother asked me to take a bus. She said that it was faster than a public car. Then I obeyed her.
The bus was very crowded,that I didn’t get a chair to sit. Standing in a bus made my foot painful. Then, passengers got off one by one. Finally, I got a chair for sitting. I sat while reading the lesson book, because there was an exam. Then, I was wondering if I came late or not to school.
After ten minutes, there was a woman with her baby took the same bus with me. There was no empty chair, meanwhile her baby didn’t stop his crying. And I saw them mercily. Then I got up from my chair and asked the woman to sit on the chair. She thanked and gave a smile to me. Then I smiled at her too.
Although my foot felt painful but I felt happy to help them. I remembered my mother. My painful foot was nothing than the struggle of that woman and my mother for giving their child a birth and brought them up patiently.
Astri Wiraswani
XI Science 8, SMA Negeri 1 Bogor,
One day, my swan had seven eggs. I was really surprised for it. It was the first time my swan laid eggs since they arrived here. I waited and waited. After two months, two of seven eggs became a swan. I was so glad to see them. So I gave those two little swans names, Phill and Paul. As you could think, I hardly remembered which one was Phill or Paul. But it didn’t matter. I always gave them a half plate of rice and a pail of fresh water all day. They were my pity. 
Several days after that, when I got home from the school, I could not find either Phill or Paul. I thought they hided in shrubs, but they weren’t there. So I gave up, but I really wanted to know where they were at that time. When I checked one more time, I was really surprised. I found Paul in the pond. He drowned until his neck. I took him to the ground. He looked weak and brittle. When I looked at pond again, I was surprised again. Phill was drowning all of his body. I knew he would not be able to be sa ved. His body was freezinge like an ice. I was so sad. So my brother buried Phill near a jackfruit tree. I could not stand to see it. It was so sadden.
Firstly, Paul was really weak. After several months, Paul could live with another swan. When I checked him with his mother, I made a mistake. She was a female! So I changed her name became Pauline. She was a beautiful swan, like her mother, Will, brightly white swan. Although I just had one a new swan, but I really thanked to God. I hoped Phill’s soul could be accepted in-His side. Amen.
Hafsah Salamah XI Science 8
Senior High School 1 Bogor,
 My name is Stefanus Jagad, and I study at Senior High School 1 Bogor, Indonesia. I had an experience which I want to share. I had a very mean teacher in my junior high school.A lot of students regarded her as a “killer” teacher and they were afraid of her. She taught me in the 9th grade. Actually, I hoped I could get another teacher when I realized she would teach me for a year. But there was no other choice instead of facing it. She was about 60 years old.
She was very mean and she was always angry when she came to my class. She didn’t care we did the right or wrong things. No matter what, everything was false in her eyes. Some students didn’t like her, neither did I. But it changed one day.
It was Valentine’s Day and my school celebrated the lovely day. I got a lot of chocolates from my friends. After the school ended, I was planning to go to the canteen to meet my friends. On my way there, I saw my “mean” teacher walked alone. I didn’t remember wh at I was thinking that time, but I called and greeted her spontaneously. After a short conversation I gave her one of my chocolate. I said “Happy Valentine Ma’am,” and what a surprise! She gave me the most beautiful smile that I’d never seen from her before. Her face changed and she looked younger a lot of years. I was so happy to see her. And after that day, she became better and better. She often smiled and she was seldom angry at us. I thanked God because of a chocolate, I could change a person.
Stefanus Jagad XI Science 8,
SMA Negeri 1 Bogor,