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More Good Deeds Ideas

I wrote before about the participation in this project but I delayed in developing the plan,that because I was not able to meet the students because of conditions of the school

But now this is our plan in the project: 1. preparing a charity exhibition to raise funds to help orphans containsset of Activities:

sale […]

Never Done it Before – Brazil!

I had never done good deeds before. When I was 15 years old, my school started a project called “Aluno Cidad?o” or (Citizen Student). We had to help whit some charity actions. My group chose to visit an asylum. We stayed a day there playing the guitar and talking with people. When I arrived there, […]

Lung Cancer Awareness Resource

Here is a message of invitation to check this valuable lung cancer resource. Be aware and be careful of smoking, toys, and other house-hold items that may cause this disease.. Check it out below.. ———————-


My name is Nicholas Hare, and I am the Public Awareness Director for While I […]

Cleaning the Beach in Oman

On Tuesday 12 January the teacher collected us to tell us that we will go to a voluntary campaign tomorrow at Harmol beach a town near our school almumina. First, we hesitated but when we thought about that we are […]