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Re: Do you think you are good!!!!

Yes, I feel that I am good 🙂 because i treat people very well and in Ramadan when I was walking i saw a poor lady and she has a small baby and she does not have money to eat, so I gave her 30 pounds to eat and I gave her clothes and i […]

Invitation to Our School

Hi everyone: We invite some students from small school to visit our school Victory College in Alex. We spent a nice day with them. The visiting began from the theatre where we and the visitors sing and show a poem and play music then we directed to multimedia where we display a film about the […]

Art Work SOS School, Lahore Pakistan

Here are some creative art work from some talented students in SOS school, Lahore, Pakistan.

I hope you like them. Please don’t forget to leave your comment on each entry.

Best of luck,Ismail.

Let’s smile

What is smile? It is just a form of face. or something more deep. When people smile they show their soul in their eyes. Sometimes when I smile & I look into somebodies face he smiles too. iearn members let us smile, let us laugh & let us fill our life with positive energy. Is […]

The Simple Power of Good Deeds

Hello all.

For those of you who think doing small good deeds is unimportant consider the following. What is the power of a smile? How do you feel when a complete stranger smiles at you for no reason that you can ascertain? How do you feel when a stranger holds a door open for you […]

Pins can change ones life!

“One day , there was a young boy of 7 years old. He used to do hundred of foolish things every day. When his father was hopeless to convince him to stop those things ;he came to his son with a box of small wall pins, pointed to a wall in the boy’s room and […]