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Dear all,
In this topic, Teacher Faiza and me Teacher Marwah will post all our students’ work here.
We started the second meeting for our students in which we distributed some work to each student to do but they can all do it together too. We asked about their ideas and they came with […]
Yesterday, we started our activities in the project. We visited the center of disabled children. We took presents for them. My pupils played with these innocent children. In fact, it was wonderful. I will post my pupils writings and the photos soon.
RegardsBahia Alrashdi Oman
Nothing can stop the good deeds at our school which help us in making the students aware of the needs of the good deeds in our religion. One of the things that we have done is designing a booklet which will help the students know the right actions of each prayer during the day in […]
Speaking about Good Deeds in a real life situation, one week ago. The students’ organization in my school donated a number of money to the victims of earthquake disaster in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. They have collected every cent of money from the students and other school staffs, and sent it through a certain institution to […]
Dwiki Prayuda XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, IndonesiaSmile,
Are simple good things to do.
Filmantoro XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri 1 Bogor, IndonesiaThe honesty is a good deed
Make it a part of our life
To make it better. Oki Fahmi Dian XI IPA 8 – SMA Negeri […]
My name Siti Haifa. I’m from Senior High School 1 Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. I want to tell you about my experience.
Someday I went to go to Gramedia Book Store for buying some books. But, the books which I searched for couldn’t be found. So, I just read some books there and went […]
Hi, Guys! I’m Galuh Nisa. I’m student from Senior High School 1, Bogor, Indonesia. Let me tell you about one true story that happened in my life. And this story really changed my mind, which before was too underestimate the power of support and spirit. Now, check this out!
When I was in Junior […]
Assalamualaikum,wr.wb . . Hi. . . My name is Astri Wiraswany. I am Indonesian. I study at senior high of one Bogor (SMAN 1 Bogor). Let me tell you my good deeds.
Once upon a time, I went to school later than before. At that time, I went to school at 06.00. That’s later […]
One day, my swan had seven eggs. I was really surprised for it. It was the first time my swan laid eggs since they arrived here. I waited and waited. After two months, two of seven eggs became a swan. I was so glad to see them. So I gave those two little swans names, […]
My name is Stefanus Jagad, and I study at Senior High School 1 Bogor, Indonesia. I had an experience which I want to share. I had a very mean teacher in my junior high school.A lot of students regarded her as a “killer” teacher and they were afraid of her. She taught me in the […]