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 As a student who worked in “Good deeds” I will take this opportunity to briefly outline my experience during my two year tenure at “Good deeds, as I think that this project helps to spread the spirit of giving and sharing between all kinds of people.
Our main goal was helping sick and disabled children by providing them with our continuous support to free them from their sufferings. Firstly, we went to “Salmaniya medical complex“ and specifically to Pediatrics department, were we provided the children with many gifts planting joy in their small hearts and making us even happier in return.
Our second step was the charity day at school , we were divided into two groups , the first group was selling toys which were donated by our school students and the second group was t o draw on students t-shirt , and the profit was given to those inflicted with down syndrome. However, we did many good deeds in our school including planting our school garden and other community services that we achieved in different departments at school.
I believe that working in “good deeds “project was an eye opening experience and an amazing opportunity which made me realize how little deeds we do ..
Zainab Abdulhameed Khawla Secondary School Bahrain
Hello Abdullah,
You asked for us to share ideas for good deeds. First, I think the most important thing to teach children is that a good deed can be big, or small, seen and unseen. We do not have to show our good deeds for them to be good, and our good deeds may seem small, but in fact are very big because caring is big! Children can give so much when we give value to what they’re able to give.
- Smile at someone who needs a friend
- Share part of your lunch with someone who is hungry
- Help someone in your family with a task
- Ask your teacher if you can help tidy the classroom
- Feed the birds
- Share a song with someone who is sad
- Tell a story to someone who is younger than you
- Save your money to buy something your family needs
- Plant some flowers to make a yard pretty
- Read to someone who can’t read
- Write someone a friendly letter
- Teach someone to speak in your language
Jewel Mitchell
Dear Ismail
I would like first to thank you for your great project and the tremendously achieved deeds and the philanthropy that you and your students chose to foster. It is a great pride to iEARN community to have you among us and pace these gigantic steps towards perfection. It is my pleasure to thank you again and hope you more success.
To my great appreciation I found many positive aspects in this project. To start with I shall mention the altruist target and the obvious goal of keeping students conscience alive. Added to the courageously implemented vision and the philanthropic effort.
Indeed I think we share some of the same perspectives about good deeds and the altruist projects in general. Thus we may meet in so many points and have identical views. I know that the world could be changed by slightly paced steps. I believe also that your efforts to open the frontiers of learning in class to a wider day to day life class room where studen ts could learn from their interactivity and positive thought and additive tangible deeds
All those field visits and the campaigns are a great success with everlasting influence they are not only your students new gains the success I am glad to say is ours it is thanks to sharing them via iEARN forums and software announcement that all I earners will have an idea about how a world can be changed how a small plant can thrive bloom and spread the branches and gives shade over wider spaces and teaches new generations such good habits and faith that there is a brighter angles to the world.
I allow my self the chance to ask you about the secret of this success and how had it come to your mind the idea of launching such an enormous project with great motivation? And were there real obstacles and challenges? And how come that you overcame them? About your future prospect do you think that good deeds will be sooner the mainstream and notorious deeds only the exc eption ?
Please keep in touch and tell us about your recent deeds
Thanks again and welcome to collaborate like any positive iEARNERS should do
Hi Gioko,
I hope you are doing well with your project. I like so much your ‘Good Deeds’ project. Certainly, it’s a splendid and noble dedication to carry out this wonderful project. In fact, I believe this is a significant “good deeds” initiative for the benefit of all the humanity. As you mentioned before, living in this egocentric and materialistic world, any good deed, be it small or big, is of an intrinsic value, there is so much to do to make our world a place for better living. Children should learn how to behave in ways that show care, brotherhood, mercy and sacrifice towards the other. They, also, should be involved in various activities to reflect upon their deeds.
I think that we, as teachers, have so many things to do to instill in our students good behaviors. Most of the students take us as their models. Thus, it is compulsory for us to be responsible, show respect, help incessantly, treat equally, advise nicely, show compassion, and say nice words… to induce students to do likewise.
I try together with o ther teachers in our high school to make students aware of the importance of all ‘Good Deeds’. We work in the school club on themes like civic conduct inside and outside the school, classmates’ relationships, poverty, voluntary work, and so on, in order to sensitize students to the fact that every good deed they do counts and can bring positive changes around.
Still, I always raise questions about what’s going on locally and globally in the world. How come that we haven’t yet been able to do good things to the people who suffer everywhere? Why do people still do not care when it comes to environmental issues?
For sure, if we help student to understand that every good deed is valuable, we can bring fabulous changes to our world. Isn’t it?
I wish you good luck with your project.
Aziz Bakader high school elmajd Zagora, Morocco
It really showed how a simple deed would change society to the better. By involving students in that project, they are made to live the reality of villages. They also learn about their conditions by contact. They is no mediator between them. By combining inside and outside the classroom, you have succeeded in encouraging your students to take part in porgrammes that will improve their community.
I am doing the same with my class these days. We are having a two-week fund raising to help abandoned women in nursery homes. My students paid them a visit and inquired about their needs. Thus we tried to convince students, teachers and administrative staff to take part , too. My students and I are collecting anything that can help relieve the pain of those women.
I do believe that by exchanging and sharing such experiences, other people would take part, too. It is just a simple thing. Be ready to sacrifice one’s time for the benefit of others. Moreover, when iearners read your participation, they would certainly look around them for needy people or dirty streets or just visit hospitals. They would support the sick whose families are away by visiting them from time to time and start chatting with them to boost their morale.
Yet, a lot of questions rose up : How can we convince people to take part in such projects ? Why do people fight only for their rights and they are not ready to fulfill their obligations ? When will people understand that good deeds can save them, their families and society as a whole ? When will people be convinced that a small drop and a small drop can run a river? Why can not educated people give good examples to start doing good deeds ?
Once again, I am grateful to you and iEARN for giving me the floor to express myself and share with you my experience.
Stay well and keep on good deeds.
Mohamed Bakkas Ibn Soulaimane Roudani School Morocco
lets face the facts, there is a lot of pollution :frown: . well guess what? you can help stop pollution by riding your bike, picking up trash and recycling. how did you help stop pollution today?
do you turn off the lights when the sun is coming through? do you have a recycling bin?(school or home) do you bring a reusable lunch contianer? Do you Break your pencil? do you use compost bins?(school or home) Do you use cloth bags for grocerys? do you use both sides of a paper? do you use the same water bottles some days in a row? when you think of a good deed, what do you think of? do you use glass cups? do you erase your mistakes instead of scratching them out?
Elijah Palden CPS
My friend Jazmine let my other friend Delaney borrow Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules. I thought that was nice.
She lives at my house and I have to do a lot of good deeds to her. She lives in China but is visiting America for a year.
I Love Doing Good Deeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What About you???????????????????????
In the phrase “Going Green”… Going green is awesome! to me going green means helping the environment.
Claire Fridkin CPS
On February 5th a total of 39 diploma student went to a slum in Bombolulu for deworming exercise. The diploma students undergo an introductory session in research. This is in preparation to the 40 hrs extended essay which is they do for their diploma. This year the students were doing a CAS exercise of deworming children in Bombolulu, Mombasa. As part of the preparation for the research the students were taken through an introd uctory workshop on research skills. They then had a weekly meeting where we undertook different parts of the research. The students in groups decided to do an impact study on the deworming exercise.
In the deworming exercise there two major things done they include education and deworming. We have an education session where the children are taught about worms and how to avoid them. There is also the Deworming exercise where the children are given medicine under the watchful eye of a medic.
The impact study covered areas of awareness, repeat visits, outreach and current practice at home. In awareness it the student looked at the sources and level of information about worms by the residents of the village. Repeat visits looked at how many people come back for the deworming exercise (this was the 6th event). The outreach looked at the people coming for the deworming what was there integration in relation to gender, age, occupational and place of stay. The current practice theme looked at how they handle themselves hygienically with respect to keeping worms at bay.
The research teams worked in group and really enjoyed the data collection exercise. I remember meeting Geoffrey and he shared “sir with this data one can write a whole extended essay”. I meet with an exhausted Yasin who shared “Sir, I did not think that research is tough, but I really enjoyed it”. That was in reference to the data collection session. The data collection sessions was actively done by all the members. Subsequently we shall be working on the organization, analysis and discussion. Finally we shall come up with a report on the impact study. This is an approach of the core team working in collaboration that is CAS and EE.
 Good deeds are things we can do every day. confused? For instance sometimes I help my mom. I also help my friends with school work. You can do all sorts of things to help people. You can help the environment, too. You can plant trees or pick up trash.
Tell me your good deeds. i would love to know what you have done to help.:)
Elijah Palden
If you want to save a lot of electricity than you’d better turn off the lights when you leave the room, especially in the USA because of the huge economy crisis.
Claire fridkin, USA
hi i am Nic. Good deeds are something somebody does to be nice like i once saw my friend Camron had trouble on the ISAT benchmark test on division so i told him put the smaller number into the bigger number as many times as possible. bye bye folks!