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Good Deeds in the UAE

Hello Everybody. My Name is Faris And I am From The UAE. I think that my country should get better and modern technology for many services such as (for hospitals , schools and Civil Defence..) By Giving new technology to schools we can improve the way we lean and help others to teach. And hopefully […]

Ways to Help Others at School

Hi! I am Iqra from IEARN Pakistan. I keep on helping others at my school. I hope my teachers in making the results, the weak students in their studies, and the sad people to smile again. 🙂

Iqra Zafar

iEARN Pakistan

Good Deeds Festivity….!

We, teachers and students at Moulay Ismail School, have been so glad to celebrate ” good deeds”. This festivity was a modest one but full of meaning. Both teachers and students were so happy and have a strong will to go further with the project.

Aicha Smaili Moulay Ismail Meknes, Morocco.


A Visit to sick children in hospital

The students volunteer trip to the hospital and specifically children’s section, where m Gi distribution of their fellow patients, where they are interacting socially with the community around them and the comfort of the patient and his brother felt happiness and transmit them through their visit to these sick children.

Latifa Al-Kaabi IT Teacher Oman […]

Good Deeds Poem…..!!!

I am so happy to star over in this project and I would like to start with this modest poem which I dedicate to all participants in this project.

wish you all the best Aicha Smaili Moulay Ismail School Meknes Morocco.

Good Deeds God has beautifully created the universe, Open widely to people of different […]

Good Deeds at Nativity School

The good deeds that I have done are helping my mother cook my family$B!G(Bs food and helping plant my family$B!G(Bs garden in the summer. I also help my brother find things he has lost. Marin Emanuel

I gave my dog food and water at his dinnertime before my mom asked me. Abby Blenk

My good […]


When I was a young girl, I wanted to change the world.

I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.

When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, […]

Good Deeds in Nativity School, US

The 4th grade class at Nativity School in Cincinnati, Ohio USA loves doing good deeds individually and as a group. We hope to share some with you during this school year.

This flood was meaningful to our class as we partnered with a class in Pakistan on a project last year. We are praying for […]

Good Deeds 2010 – part 2

One good deed I have done was clean my room. It was considered a good deed because first of all the room was messy and dirty. Also my mom told me too. Right now it is clean and when it gets dirty again I will probably clean it again. That is a good deed I […]

Good Deeds 2010

Hey! My Good Deed is when I do the laundry! I actually like to do the laundry! I think it’s kind of fun. The only thing I don’t like about it is when I get detergent on my hands. I do the laundry because my parents need some help arond the house sometimes! -Evalyn Black […]