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Good Deeds in the UAE

Hello Everybody. My Name is Faris And I am From The UAE. I think that my country should get better and modern technology for many services such as (for hospitals , schools and Civil Defence..) By Giving new technology to schools we can improve the way we lean and help others to teach. And hopefully by giving modern technology to the hospitals we would help more patients survive and make a better and bigger chance of success.

I would always love to have a gather up with my friends or the individuals of my country and try to donate as much as we can to the poor.  We should all love each other and interact with each other. We Should Change some of the laws to make it easier on people with a hard life from these rules. We should always support our country and be proud of it and defend it .

Fares Khalifa

Ways to Help Others at School

Hi! I am Iqra from IEARN Pakistan. I keep on helping others at my school. I hope my teachers in making the results, the weak students in their studies, and the sad people to smile again. 🙂

Iqra Zafar

iEARN Pakistan

Good Deeds Festivity….!

We, teachers and students at Moulay Ismail School, have been so glad to celebrate ” good deeds”.  This festivity was a modest one but full of meaning. Both teachers and students were so happy and have a strong will to go further with the project.

Aicha Smaili
Moulay Ismail
Meknes, Morocco.

A Visit to sick children in hospital

The students volunteer trip to the hospital and specifically children’s section, where m Gi distribution of their fellow patients, where they are interacting socially with the community around them and the comfort of the patient and his brother felt happiness and transmit them through their visit to these sick children.

Latifa Al-Kaabi
IT Teacher

Good Deeds Poem…..!!!

I am so happy to star over in this project and I would like to start with this modest poem which I dedicate to all participants in this project.

wish you all the best
Aicha Smaili
Moulay Ismail School
Meknes Morocco.

Good Deeds

God has beautifully created the universe,

Open widely to people of different races.

Old, middle aged and young to get across,

Doing good things and providing services

Dealing with each other and share,

Emerge, work, get, take and give,

Embellish the earth and of each other care,

Do their best, struggle for the well being and live,

Show gratitude to God and try to be

Aicha Smaili
Moulay Ismail School
Meknes, Morocco

Good Deeds at Nativity School

The good deeds that I have done are helping my mother cook my family$B!G(Bs food and helping plant my family$B!G(Bs garden in the summer. I also help my brother find things he has lost. Marin Emanuel

I gave my dog food and water at his dinnertime before my mom asked me. Abby Blenk

My good deed is helping my mom with blankets for Project Linus that gives blankets to the poor. I help find tacks and get labels. I also help bring the blankets to the car. Michael Spencer

My good deed was when I cooked dinner for my family after a long busy rainy day. Another good deed was to fold the laundry. Sydney Benning

I help with chores at my house. I sometimes help at a food pantry. Patrick McLaughlin

I empty the dish washer, feed the dog, help clean the house, shovel the front porch and driveway, and put away my laundry. Kassidi Puthoff

I help my mom make dinner. I also help my brother before school. I also help g rocery shopping. Nick Albrinck

My good deed is babysitting or watching kids while their parents are cooking. I help with the dishes, laundry and walking the dog. I feed the fish and cats. Sometimes I make the lunches. Kaitlin Coleman

My good deed is when I helped my grandma water flowers. Another good deed I did is when I helped cook. Kali Howard

I went to a soup kitchen and helped out. I cleaned my house and took out the trash each week. Arianna Mock

My good deed is that every day I go outside and if I see litter, I pick it up and throw it away. I also walk across the crosswalk to school in the morning instead of having my parents drive all the way into the parking lot. Sophie Lawson

My good deed is to walk so I stop polluting the air with the car. Promise Graves

I crocheted a baby blanket for my brother and finger knitted a scarf for my dad. Ellie Miller

I have helped my mom cleaning. I always help peopl e who are hurt. Evan Smyjunas

I donated food and money to people in need of it. I picked up trash in the park and threw it away. I take out the trash and pick up the recycling and recycle it. Garrett Longeway

My good deed is that I am in a club that does things like go to a food pantry to help with whatever they need and make hats for newborn babies in the hospital. Jack Garry

My good deed is doing the laundry – putting it in, washing , drying, folding, and taking it up to the rooms. Melanie Ruzga

My good deed is picking up all the trash that the people before us left in our yard at the new house. Another good deed is to take care of my pets. Imani Page

My good deed is that I share my stuff with those who do not have what they need. Grace Rimele

I help every week at school in the cafeteria after lunch pick up the trash that people leave. At home I wash the dishes and put them in my pantry. I also do the laundry. Every day we get groceries and put them away. Haley Knoffer

I help every Sunday with MPL (a senior center). I serve people and bring hot meals to people who can$B!G(Bt come to MPL. I do chores too. Jacob Lamb

My good deed is to try my hardest at anything that is given to me to do. Megan Glass

I helped my mom when she was sick. I made dinner, babysat my younger brother, and taken care of my mom. I feel better now that she is better. Arden Miller

My good deed was saving a dog from the pound. I take care of my dog and let it outside, feed it along with my cat. Sam Lewis

A good deed I have done would be to help my sister with her Math. I help her by playing math games with her and make math worksheets for her to do. I also have a Math website for her to play. Lizzie Neeb

My good deed is to help people in the hospital. I either make them laugh or send them a card. I always volunteer to help at home or at school. Jada Wheeler

My good deed is to play with my brother and sister. I help my brother with his homework and I help rake leaves in the winter and fall. Rehme Leanza

I take care of God$B!G(Bs creation. I help out by feeding my family$B!G(Bs cats. I really enjoy it because when they come, they seem so happy. Divya Kumar

I made a good effort to catch up with all my school work when I was out of town on a trip. Moriah Brown

My good deed was to go to a food pantry and help. Natalie Stegman

Every day after school on Tuesdays, I take in the recycling bin in the front yard so my mom doesn$B!G(Bt have to walk all the way up0n the driveway. I also take in the garbage cans for that same reason. Hannah Bernstein

I help reach things that my family can$B!G(Bt reach and help with other things around the house. Finnegan Dale

My good deed is when someone doesn$B!G(Bt have something to do or sit with at lunch, I let them b e with me. Another good deed is when my brother is doing homework I don$B!G(Bt play my recorder until he$B!G(Bs done. Olivia Severyn

One good deed is when I showed my homework what to do on his homework. Another is to walk the dogs when my dad got hurt. Bryan Badinghaus

My good deed is not giving up on my friends. Kurtis Rogers

When I get money I put some in a separate jar and I put some in a savings jar and I put some in a charity jar. I also walk my dog. Lee May

My good deed is helping my friends unpack and helping my team get ready. Kaleb Williams

My good deed is to take care of the environment. Nastia Cuppozzo

I helped my little friend work on his homework while he was at my house. Josh Tepe

I help take out my neighbor$B!G(Bs trash because she cannot get out. I also feed my cat. Myles Whitfield

This weekend I made and took some home-made treats to the elderly. I gave them cupcakes too. C hloe Arrasmith

I take the trash out and help clean around my house and my dad$B!G(Bs rental properties. I shoveled snow for my neighbors and us. Oscar Zimmerman

My good deeds is rescuing cats and playing with them so they can go to a new home. I also help my great grandma when we are at her house and my mom and sister go to the store. Rosie Solis

My good deeds are to help at a food pantry, assist 1st grade teachers with recycling, and take out my neighbor$B!G(Bs trash and recycling. Sam Buehler

I help people who need someone to watch their baby so they can study, fill out a form, or have to take a class. This helps because the people will have a better future. Jada Bedgood

I work around my house, give money or clothing, and do laundry. Alex Cox

I do nice things for my family and especially apologize. I include others in my games. Caroline Vesprani

My good deed is to help my sister whom is sick. When my mo m needs me I$B!G(Bm always there for her. Jahna Burgin

I try to help around the house and not have an attitude. I do what my parents say. They do more than we do. Alina Miller

Teacher: Patti Burwinkel
Cincinnati, Ohio USA


When I was a young girl, I wanted to change the world.

I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.

When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.

Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.

Zainab Imran


Good Deeds in Nativity School, US

The 4th grade class at Nativity School in Cincinnati, Ohio USA loves doing good deeds individually and as a group. We hope to share some with you during this school year.

This flood was meaningful to our class as we partnered with a class in Pakistan on a project last year. We are praying for all the people affected.

Fourth graders do a good deed on Friday every week by carrying the recycling bins from classrooms and offices in the school to the recycling room. There they dump the paper, cans, bottles, and cardboard into specially marked cans which are later picked up and taken to our city’s recycling center. They also return the empty bins and encourage the classes and office personnel to keep recycling.

Teacher: Patti Burwinkel
Cincinnati, Ohio USA

Good Deeds 2010 – part 2

One good deed I have done was clean my room. It was considered a good deed because first of all the room was messy and dirty. Also my mom told me too. Right now it is clean and when it gets dirty again I will probably clean it again. That is a good deed I have done.

One of my good deeds was when i helped my grandma with dishes.
One night my grandma was home from work and she was so tired. So i decided to do the dishes for her. So when she was asleep i did the dishes. By the time she woke up i hade them done already. so that is one of my good deeds i did. :grin: Gabrielle

A good deed i have dodne was when my dad had a lot of yard work to do. He had to malch our flower beds, cut the grass, plant new flowers, and water the grass. Thats a lot for just one man. So, i decided to help my dad by cutting the grass for him. Cutting the grass is hard for me cause im not very big but, my dad really enjoyed the help and that made the work seem easier. Next time my dad needs help ill be there for him.


A good deed I have done is I washed my dad’s new car(A Mazda 6)on a hot sunny day for free. I even polished the tires and the windows.
I did it because my dad was reading the newspaper and I wanted to be helpful. I feel happy that I cleaned my dad’s car because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

One of my good deeds would be holding the door for an elder person.

a good deed i did was save two dogs. i was walking into shoe carnival (a shoe store) and i heard some yelping. so i went to go see where it was coming from. i traced the noise to a black van. it was 90 degrees that day. and it only take 3 minutes for a dog to die in a hot car. the temperture usually rises at least 20 degrees. so i called the medina police and they got them out of the car. :grin:

A good deed of mine is when i was playing football(rugby) and a player was injured and know one stopped to help him up. I stopped and helped him up.When the coach saw the player he rushed over and helped carry him.When we got to the sidelines they found out he had a concusion.After the game the coach thanked me for helping the player. So that was my good deed. :cool:

My good deed is when my sister got surgery and I helped her when she couldn’t move. The type of surgery she got was knee surgery. My sister had to get knee surgery because she was born with a knee defect. What makes this a good deed is that I gave her food and drinks because she couldn’t do it herself. That is my good deed.

A good deed that I have done was gave a poor man on the street that had 4 children and was laid off from working in the marines a dollar. He was really nice… :sillygrin:

One of my good deeds is when I helped my mom out alot because, she had a brocken ankle.


A good deed that I have done, was done for my sister. She was sick, she had a very high fever. None of my parents were home, so I took care of her until my mom got home. She felf much better :grin: .

One of my good deesd are when I walked outside and I saw a little baby bird that had fallen out of a tree. I fed it water and after a while its mother came back to get it.


My good deed was when I took care of my neighbors dogs while they were on vacation. Thier names are Cici and Wags. My neighbors also have cats. On one of the nights, the cats broke out while the dogs were outside. but eventually we got them back in the house. When my neighbors got home they thanked me and I felt good that they trusted me with their dogs. It was fun to take care of them and I sometimes still watch them from time to time :goofy:

My good deed is I helped my neighbor pull weeds. It was aro
und noon really hot and sunny. and I went outside and saw my neighbor. I saw he needed some help so I pulled his weeds. With a return of cash. That was my good deed.


My good deed was when i took a 7 hour baby sitting class. where i learned how to do CPR and the himlick menovour and also how to change a diaper and many many more things…it is a good deed becasue i can help out all the parents who want a little alone, or away time from there children. That’s when i come in. and that is why that’s my good deed.

My good deed is I help my dad wash his car (Corvet Z7 red) a couple of days ago and it was really hot out :frown: :sillygrin: and I did it just because I was bord. It was really fun cause I ketp on sparying my dad with the water.


A good deed I have done is opening doors for strangers, my family, and friends. I usually open doors for senior citizens. I open doors for people at restoraunts, hotels, banks, really anywhere I have the chance. It is nice because you let them keep walking through and not waste more energy.

One of my good deeds was when I helped a women get her ten dollars back. She dropped her ten dollars right in front of me in a pizza place. I picked the ten dollars right back up and asked her if it was her as she was searching her purse. I gave it back to her. She gave me a hug and said I was a good kid. She got her pizza and we got ours and the rest of the day I was really happy.

ahhh my first good deed. well i helped my grandpa threw his treatment on last wensday. it was fun. i made him laugh when it came to the painful parts. he had kind of a allergic reaction to one of his shots. his tounge got really big! :worried: he was mumbling like blah blah blah trying to talk but he couldnt talk but it was funny. but at the end it turnned out all good. :sillygrin: he was happy and i was happy too. we went to a restraunt after. it was appelbees. he got a hotdog and fries and so did i that was one of the best good deeds ive ever done it made me feel so happy


one good deed i did was i found a stay dog walking down our street and so we took it in. we thought it was only going to be a day that we had him but it quickly turned into a week. we called every shelter in medina seeing if anyone had called in a lost dog and no one had. and finally we found the one shelter that had someone call and we returned the dog safely to its owner.

One good deed of mine was when my friend Dominic was messing up one of our football team. Football is a sport like rugby.My friend plays on defensive line and i helped him on a play.


A good deed of mine is when my PSR class, it is like a church group that meets weekly to talk as teens/kids about what is happening in church. Anyways, one of the weeks we decided to go up to the Medina Hospice Inn to serve ice-cream to the senior citizens there after they ate dinner for about an hour or two this year. I think they really appreciated us comeing there from our free time to spend time with them and let them have a treat every once and a while.

A good deed I have done is when I helped my great grandma stand up.
She was sitting in her favorite chair and she needed help getting out of it. I responded right away. She lifted and so did I. My mom got her walker next to her chair. I helped her Grab on tightly so she was able to walk. :wink:

My good deed was when I helped my mom get to the hospital. She had to go to the hospital because she was riding her baby horse”Molly!” and Molly fell on my moms hip. So I helped by calling my dad to pick us up because my mom coudn’t walk and if she can’t walk she can’t drive. But the good news is that she’s recovering good.And that was my good deed! :sheepish:

One good deed that I have done is help my friend open his school locker. I know it’s not much but if I didn’t open it for him he would not have been able to get to class. :frown: Once i opened it for him he rewarded me with a lollipop, a cherry one just in case you wanted to know. Well this is my good deed and i hope you have done good deeds too.


My good deed was when I donated some of my clothes. I did this because they were too small but nice at the same time. It also emptied out a couple of my drawers!


My good deed was when we were driving to a store and we saw a dog run across the road. so we picked it up and it had a tag on it saying where its owner lived. So we searched everywhere and finally found its home.


Out of all the good deeds that I have done in my live just one is the one that sticks out the most. It was a hot day and I was at my sisters soccor game. I noticed a bunch af kids playing a game. I also noticed there was a kid who wasn’t included at all. So I figured that I would go and see if I could get the other kids to play with him. Well, it worked, I told them they should include everybody and they then decided to let the other kid who wasn’t playing play. The best part of that good deed was seeing the smile on all of their faces. :smile: Alex

One good deed that I did was over the summer. I was at a music camp at Baldwin Wallace College in Berea, Ohio. One day, during lunch, my friend and I noticed one of the other campers was sitting all by himself, and looked like he was lonely. So my friend and I went over to where he was sitting, sat down next to him, and struck up a conversation. The camper’s name was Duncan, and he was really nice! I’m glad that my friend and I sat by him, because it seemed that he didn’t have any friends there.


Okay, here is my good deed. I was just sitting in my living room when all of the sudden my mom came in carrying a ton of groceries. She did not ask me to help, I just decided to go out and pick up a few things. It took five or ten minutes to finish. Once it was finished my mom said thank you. Then we went in and had dinner.


My good deed was when my sister was having trouble with her math homework. She was only in first grade and they were doing multiplication, and she didn’t understand what the teacher had explained. So I showed her how to do it without telling her the answers. She did it herself and got 100%! That is my good deed.

A few moths ago, when a hurricane struck Haiti, they got really poor. The country was already poor enough and everyone there was suffering. So, people from America and other countries started giving money to Haiti. We gave money too. It was terrible to see the pictures of the suffering people there. My family sent some money to Haiti after the hurricane. I felt really good about it afterwards.


My good deed started on the bus. on the first day of school all the sixth graders were lookin scared(well the ones sitting by me) and i decided to start a conversation with one. well, they all started making conversations and i made some new friends :sillygrin:

My good deed that i did was babysit for my nieghbor. She had to go to work but her babysiter never showed so i volunteered. The little boy was 2 years old and i play with him alot so it was fun.

One good deed I did was I helped my grandpa in his garden. My grandpa was picking cucumbers and peppers from his garden and so I went over and I held the bag open for him and he was really glad I helped him because he got done a lot faster.

my good deed was when i lend my friend a dollar. we were at mcdonalds and he neede one dollar.. to be continued, nicholas

My good deed was when i mowed the lawn for my grandpa because he had knee surgery. I did it to help them out because he couldnt do it him self. And i ended up doing it for him once a week till he could do it himself. And that is my good deed i did over the summer.

One of my good deeds was when i watched and took care of my neighbors dogs while they went on vacation. I took their dogs on walks a couple times a day, i also fed them and made sure they always had water! They were on vacation for a week and i watched them the whole time. After, they paid me and i felt really good

my good deed was i found a stray dog. when me and my mom were driving to meet the rest of my family we saw a dog in the middle of the street. we stoped and opened the car door and the dog jumped in. when i the dog was in the car she started waging her tail and was very friendly i looked at her collar and it said sassy and her adress so i told my mom and she drove to the persons house when we got there the lady was outside looking for sassy when we brought the dog out the lady was so happy ….. to be continued


My good deed that I have done is cleaning my hamster’s cage. my hamster’s cage gets really dirty…. really fast. That’s ok though, because I like putting my hamster in the excercize ball while I am cleaning the cage. I love to see her run around and get excercize. When I clean the cage, I have to take out all of it’s old bedding and the hamster’s wheel and food bowl. I love rearranging the stuff back onto the cage when I am done. In the end, it’s all worth being clean!


my good deed is when I went to the bus stop to get my brother . it took an hour and 20 minutes. we thought it come at 330 but it came at 420.
One good deed that I did, was for my little sister, Paige. She was riding her scooter and hit a bump and fell, and started to cry. When I got to her I helped her, and then I saw all of the cuts on her knees and her arm. I helped her inside and washed all the blood.So i can see how big they were, and then i put band aids on them and she went back outside to ride her scooter.
My Good Deed is when i help a lost beagle find a home.
One day I was in my garage and I noticed a stray dog that was inside of my garage. At first I was really surprised that this random dog was in my garage. So I gently went over to the dog and noticed it had a collar. So as I was checking the collar I noticed it had a dog tag. So I read it and it had a phone number on it and I called them and they came to pick up the dog.
One of the good deeds I did over the summer, was when I bought my mother flowers. I love surprising her, so I went to the store with my friend and bought her beautiful flowers. There were all sorts of colors, pink, purple with white stripes, orange with white stripes, and yellow. When I gave them to her she was really happy and thanked me. Then she asked me to put them in a vase so they would not die. So after I put them in a vase we put them on top of our cupboard so we could look at them in the kitchen.
One good deed I did was I planted a vegetable garden for my family. In my garden I planted tomatoes, zuchinni, green peppers, red peppers, corn, lettuce and celery. The reasons I wanted to plant a garden is because I enjoy planting and harvesting all the vegetables. Also I wanted to do it because my family would have fresh vegtables.
My good deed was when I fed the little baby bunny under our deck. It was all by itself and was very skinny. :frown: I took some of the rabbit food in our house and spread it around in the grass so it could find it by itself. The next morning I saw it hopping around eating and after a couple days of that it was back to normal.
My good deed was when I bought someone food when they didnt have any for lunch.
My good deed was when I was in 2nd grade when I helped adopt a turkey vulture. It was for a animal club me and my friends made.So we raised money and adopted it. Later on it came and visited our class. It was a really cool experience and I wish I could do it again!
my good deed was when i helped my teacher organize his classroom to be nic.
My good deed was helping my mom make dinner I do this with my mom when ever I want to because I ejoy helping with dinner. I really love making pasta dishes with my mom. I started a cooking class so I could make dinner sometime.
My good deed was when I baby-sat for my little brothers. My parent were going out to an Indians game, and they needed someone to baby-sit for my brothers. So I volunteered, and my parents were very happy. So me and my brothers played alot of games, and had alot of fun!!
One day my friend billy fell down and broke his leg at school when he was running track.He had to use cruches and couldn’t carry his bag and other things.So i decided to help my friend out! :smile: I helped him carry his stuff to his car everyday for two weeks! But since he was my friend i had to.That is one of the many good deeds i have done in my life!

Good Deeds 2010

My Good Deed is when I do the laundry! I actually like to do the laundry! I think it’s kind of fun. The only thing I don’t like about it is when I get detergent on my hands. I do the laundry because my parents need some help arond the house sometimes! :grin:
-Evalyn Black
My good deed was that I helped out at a 100 mile race in the trails. What I did there was when the runner came to an aid station I would get them whatever they needed, for example I would get them water,pretzels,Ramen Noodles,Gatorade, and more. I would also bring them new clothes to change into, so they would not have to waste their time looking for their clothes. I did this good deed, because not all runners have their own personal assistants, also I love knowing that I helped them finish the race.
My good deed is when i cleand my pool. My pool is an inground pool so it isent as hard to clean as to a above ground pool. When i clean my pool it normally takes me like 30 minutes. What i do is i take the pool vacume and just vacume the pool like you would vacume your house. Then when im done i jump in the pool.
One good deed I did this summer was when I helped my little brothers baseball team practice. They didn’t have all of their coaches so I thought I would help. I did soft toss to the players. Soft toss is where you stand a couple feet away from a batter and toss balls to them to hit. You usually hit the baseballs into a fence or wall to block them from going far.
My good deed was 2 summers ago, I helped build and decorate a home. There was a family with 5 kids and an ill mom and their house burned down. So over their property we built them a new house. They didnt know that they were building them a house so they were really surprised when they saw it. I went there with my mom to help redo all the rooms for the kids. It was great to see their faces when they saw the house.
My good deeds are the times ive helped out with my dog otis. I can help out by taking him on long walks, feeding him, and playing with him.
My good deed is when is babysit for my mom. I sometimes like to babysit but sometimes it can be HARD WORK. I have three little brothers and they can be very difficult to get along with but sometimes they are quiet and just watch T.v. I like to babysit even when it gets tough because i know I’m helping out my mom and she can not worry about the boys well shes at work. That is my good deed, babysitting for my mom.
-Kensie Black :cool:
My good deed that I did was actually kind of funny. I was at the mall with my friend, sister, and mom. We went into a store and looked around a little bit. I couldn’t find anything but my sister did and when she went to go pay we all went up with her. My friend and I saw a donation box to help out children or something. We had some loose change and put it right in, it didn’t matter who it went to. All that mattered is that we helped someone somewhere!
One Good Deed i did was help my mom with setting up a huge party for my niece
My good deed is when I helped out my mom teach tennis lessons to kids down the street. I really liked to help out I had a good time. I did it because I really enjoy helping out my mom with tennis.
My good deed was when me my brother and my older sister helped my dad mulch the yard. I knew that my dad needed some more help with the yard so i offered to help spread the mulch for him. I did this good deed because i know that my dad could use a little more help then he normally gets from us.
My good deed was when I mowed the lawn this summer. I always like to mow the lawn to help my mom and dad out. My yard not that big so it’s not that bad but it gives you a little work out because we have so many hills at my house. That’s one good deed I did over the summer.
my good deed is when i helped my grandma catch a animals eating her plants and she let them out in the wil.
My good deed is when i helped my mom garden. it was a hot day so i offered to help and she said sure. after we were done we siped some lemanaid.
This summer my grandma’s birthday was coming up and I really wanted to do something special for her birthday because she does so many nice things for me. First of all I made her a tripple Chocolate cake that read “Happy Birthday”,with a whole bunch of frosting flowers. Then I worked hard on making her a card. It was a colage of stickers. Next, as her gift, I bought her two mini, “I Love Lucy“, lunchboxes. One for her, and one she can give to a friend. My grandma was so happy, and I’m glad that she liked her present. This was one of the best good deeds I ever did.
My good deed is when I walked the dogs. I have two dogs so when one wants to go for a walk they both have to go for a walk.My dad was busy so he didnt have time to walk the dogs so I asked him if he wanted me to walk the dog and so I did.When we are walking they have to stop at every time they see a tree. It takes a long time to go around a street. And then they get all tangled up.But before I now it we are home.
I helped my mom get food from the store. First we got the food and payed for the food. Then we drove home. After that, we put the food away. She likes it when I help. :cool:
one of my good deeds this summer was when this ladie at the airport droped all her money in pennies and coins i picked it all up for he.
my good deed is when i helped my grandparents clean thier basement.because the are older they needed the help so i went over there and helped it only took about 1 hour though :smile:
My good deed was when I helped get food when my parents didn’t have any money.I didn’t have much but it was enough till they got paid. That was one of my good deeds. :smile:
One good deed that I did was when I watched my grama’s new puppy for a whole week! while she went to another state. It was really fun but sadly the little puppy was not potty trained! :sheepish:
One good deed that I did was when I watched my grama’s new puppy for a whole week! while she went to another state. It was really fun but sadly the little puppy was not potty trained! :sheepish:
Hello people. :sillygrin: Heres mine good deed. We were driving in the car. My dad told me I had to help him cut my grandpa’s grass. I was like WHAT? :asleep: My grandpa had like 4 acres of land. So we pulled up to his driveway. I said OK. So we got the tractors out and I started cutting grass. It took like 2 1/2 hours. I was so tired. We were about to leave when my grandpa called me over. He pulled out of his pocket money. I thought in my mind. !!!!! YES !!!!! He gave $40. Then I said goodbye, then I was happy.
My good deed was when I helped my grandpa categorize hazerdous chemicals. They where considered to be hazerdous but they were really just cleaners and paint and things like that. the most dangerous chemical was refrigerant, which is th liquid that keeps your refrigerator cold.
A good deed I do is mow my lawn for my dad so that he doesn’t have to mow it when he gets home from work or a buisness trip.
Danielh :sillygrin:
My Good deed my family did was we let one family member stay at our house because he had a job here but his family lived in another state. It was fun because it was like having a another dad in the house. :smile: He lived with us for about a year. But then he found a job in a different state and his and his family moved there. It was sad for us because it was like seeing your other dad leave. :frown: But I feel better now because now he can be with his family. :sillygrin: What a happy moment!
My good deed was when I suprise mowed the lawn for my parents. They were going to be late to a party they invited alot of people to and they forgot to mow their lawn. When my grampa came over to watch us I asked him if I could and he let me. It took me a couple of hours but I finally got done and they loved it. :smile:
One of my good deeds is i helped my dad fix his motorcycle.The kind of motorcycle he has is a V Max.We put a new battery in it.It was a good bonding time.
A good deed I have done was when my family and I got back from Florida at the airport.we were getting our luggage from the airplane and walking out of the airport when an elder asked me for some help. i said what do you need help with? And she left her bag at the bathrooms so i got it for her and we left. :wink:
My good deed is when I helped my three little sisters get lunch when my mom was busy doing other things.
My good deed was when I was in a car one day and I saw a car crash but the owners were hurt. So my family and I took the dog home and took care of it. The owners are well now and they took the dog back a couple weeks ago. :smile:
One good deed that I did was I kept score for my sisters softball team so thtat the coaches didn’t have to.
A good deed i did was when i helped my grandma. I go to her house to help her often.
My good deed was that when I needed to raise money for my baseball team I washed several cars.
My good deed was that i watched my nabours dog when they had to go somewhere he couldnt. It was fun i played with the dog and feed it and let him out then i would give him a treat and so i would have to give the cat one too. Most of all it helped are nabours and was very fun. Breanna
My Good Deed was that I was at Target looking for backpacks when a worker at Target came out of the back of the store with some boxes. He turned a corner too short and his boxes full of salad dressing fell all over the floor. So I went over and put some of the salad dressings back in to his boxes for him. It felt good to help someone like that. Then he said Thank you and told me that was very nice of me. And that was one of my good deeds opver the summer. :cool:
My good deed is about the time that we found a dog in our backyard. She had a collar on, but no name tag. We used our dog’s leash and took her around the neighborhood to see if anyone owned the dog. We gave her food and water when it was time to came home to lunch. After that, we went out again. We found the dog’s home and they told they were very grateful. They invited us to diner! :smile: To this day my dog (Paisley) and the other dog (Bella) still play together!
A good deed i did was i helped my father when he was on cruthches.The reason he was on cruthches was the tendon in his foot werent working propurly. So they took tendons out of his other foot to replace the tendons that didnt work.
My good deed was when i leant my friend’s little brother money at the Medina Lady Bees Soccer Game. We were standing in line and he wanted to buy a blue slush puppy but he only had a dollar left. he begged his sister for 50 cents but she didnt have 50 cents. They were next in line so I gave him my 50 cents to buy a slushie. Later, my friend realized she had 50 cents left so she gave it to me to pay me back from the money I gave her brother. I told her thank you for paying me back.That was this summer’s good deed.
My good deed was helping my grandma after she broke her rib and wrist. she was in a lot a pain after it happened….. but a couple days later she felt better. I helped make cookies one day…. so I had to help her put them in the oven because it was hard for her to bend down. I’m probably going to go see her again soon…. so I might make some cookies again and draw her a picture to make her feel better. :grin:
A good deed that I have done is I helped a dog out of the street. when i went outside to play one day I saw a litttle puppy in the street so I looked around to see if there was and owner but no one was near. So I went to look if the puppy had a collar and it did so i got it out of the street and went to go find the owner. I felt so proud when I saw the face of the little girl I returned it to. So thats why i think every one should do good deeds.
my good deed was giving swim lessons to littler kids. it wasnt the easyest thing to do but they loved it. Hannah
My good deed was when my friend ciara and I made a lemonade stand to raise money for a family whose house burned down. It was in the summer of 4th grade going into 5th grade. We heard that the firstmerit bank was collecting money for this family and we wanted to make a donation. So we made a lemonade stand and ended up raising about $200. It felt really good to help them. -Michelle
my good deed was when my friend and I got my other friends dog out of the street for her before the dog got hit by a car. After we got the dog out of the street we gave my friend her dog back and she was sooo happy we got her dog before it got hit by a car or got lost. That was my good deed!
A good deed of mine would be helping my sisters with their homework. If nno one else understands it, I “come to the rescue” :pbpt: and help them. Although I mostly confuse them, in the end I get it done right. So that would be my good deed.
One of my good deeds is one day when i was in school i help a teacher
put supplies away. She didn”t ask to help but she looked like she needed it. Some things she and i put away were boxs, binders, papers, and pens/pensils.after we were done she thanked me and gave me some yummy candy. The candy was chocolate. :pbpt: :smile: :cool:
kelsey yellow
Teacher: Terese Tye
Medina City School District