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By now you are aware about the devastation of hurricane SIDR which took away around 3,500 lives (as roughly counted up to 20.11.2007, the figure is raising daily) and damaged all most all the properties of the people in the south, south-western coastal parts of Bangladesh. The damages are not repairable. Nevertheless, to […]
On the topic of good deeds, do you think the laws of life should be an encouragement for good deeds? You are rewarded for good deeds or you are punished? Should people do good deeds for personal satisfaction or for recognition? Are the laws of life fair as far as justifying what is good and […]
Dear friends!!!!We have joined your amazing project. I together with the students of whole school organized the fair of national dishes. Students presented their own chosen country and sold their dishes by books, stationary and by money. The received things were donated to orphans and physically disabled students. With the help of money we […]
I agree Good Deeds are contagious! As a pre-service teacher I hope to instill in my students a sense of good deeds/community service whether it be giving a pencil to a student who needs one, sending a letter to a soldier, letting someone in line at the grocery store go ahead of you, volunteering at […]
This project is great. I am a pre-service teacher and I just want to comment that good deeds should be taught in school as well as in the home. I hope to incorporate this into my classroom on a daily basis. I want my students to want to help others. I want them to understand […]
With all the horrible news we see on television, it is hard to believe that there are still good people out in the world. I have personally experienced good deeds being done for my family over the years and I see what an impact it can make on the receiver. My little bother needed braces […]
KEEP SMILING!!!!!To cheer up a depressed By whom pain is suppressed Is a person of great virtue Who makes life beautiful; like the sky that is blue One is the most skillful person Who brings in life joy and fun On each face, he who brings smiles Even if happiness is on miles Is […]
My name is Grace Mulei from Kenya. It was a great pleasure when iEARN US prosed establishment of iEARN Kenya, and great to be a country Co-ordinator, for promotion of iEARN great concepts that unite the global citizen members.
It is a joy to learn about Ismail Fayed great project.” Good Deeds”within which great […]
Unity, love and affection is a symbol of peace No sorrow, no worries and no tease Peace makes the world a worth living place on the earth Peace brings end to battles as there will be no hassles No wars, no strikes and no more crimes No weapons, no violence and lots of silence Peace […]
Dear Friends,
Recently we all have celebrated GYSD in Cario. As a part of Service Learning and Community Service activities, Fatimiyah School in Karachi donated books and some money to a school in an underprevilaged area.The students in that school were in a need to a library. The students went there to set up the […]