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Re: The Truth About SMOKING

Anti-smocking: Hi the way that I feel about smocking is yuck it is a very harmful and can do great damage it is very hard to quit and you lose out on a lot of thing. For people who live with you and do not smoke it is really gross and stinks and they have […]

Good deeds go a long way!!!

Everyday something good happens to you. Whether you know it or not that good deed which was done to you was a result of someone receiving a good deed from someone else. We shouldn’t expect people to do things for us because we do good things for them, but we should know that because we […]

Re: Homeless Children

Dear Mr.Ismail

We’re all really glad to hear your opinion, Thanks 🙂 , I’d like to add also that all these stories and thought we came up with, we collected it all in one magazine so pupils at school are free to use it also we put some of these on the wall of our […]

Homless Children

Have you ever considered your own self while you were back in your early ages [ex : 8-14] working instead of a mother taking care of you and a father willing you the best life in the future, imagine your childhood was full of nightmares as you were working while you are getting no care, […]

Keep it up looking to learn much more !!

“Education”,”Go To School”,”You Must Learn”,…etc“Education is probably better because illteracy is wrong”We hear lot of these past quotations, but we never feel how they really mean and important they are,

“What Education mean??Education is the step from illiteracy level to knowledge level, education doesn’t mean school or college, education is a place or an object […]

Helping Orphans

Helping orphans and taking care of them is a more than a good deed, Its more like noble work which shows how much does this person cares for those who are suffering, like these children who are suffering their loss of their parents, Yoman decided to talk to you about this headline in the […]