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Bad Habits!

This is a sample for bad habits . Writing n the school walls and other places . this habit must be change for save our environment from vision pollution. Our school is a friend to the environment school, my group help it. Please compare between the two schools and send your comments.

First stage:

At first we started form here .this place was very bad then we cleaned it. We decided to plant it to change its feature so started environment group to put a plan to work. The environment group decided to help and to clean the school. This work made them positive individuals inside the school.

Second Stage:

The girls cleaned the place before planting it. They planted the plants in different places to change it into a garden .

Third Stage:

The place after cleaning and planting became a wonderful place.

Please tell me, are we successful?

Amal hussainy and her team work.

My group share to clean and plant this place .they were very happy .

Please send a comment

Amal and her group

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