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Here is a message of invitation to check this valuable lung cancer resource. Be aware and be careful of smoking, toys, and other house-hold items that may cause this disease.. Check it out below..
My name is Nicholas Hare, and I am the Public Awareness Director for PleuralMesothelioma.com. While I was browsing through a number of medical and cancer sites, I came across your website and was very impressed by the information you have listed.
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma, a rare cancer that develops in the lungs. It is almost solely caused by exposure to asbestos, which was used in everything in children’s toys, house-hold insulation, and naval carriers. Our website has the most up to date and comprehensive information about Pleural Mesothelioma on the web today. With information ranging from a complete list of symptoms, to treatment options, and steps to take after a diagnosis.
I noticed that you already had some other cancer related resources listed on your resources page at http://ifayed.net//Links/GDeeds.htm and figured you might be interested in including a link to our site as well. Please let me know if you are interested – I’m available by e-mail at nhare(@) pleuralmesothelioma.com. With your help, we can educate the public about the dangers of asbestos and hopefully save some lives. Thanks again!
Best Regards,
Nicholas Hare
Public Awareness Director
March is Asbestos Awareness Month: Lung-related cancers have been a leading cause of death in our country for decades. Please help us increase awareness of lung-related cancers, including mesothelioma.

On Tuesday 12 January the teacher collected us to tell us that we will go to a voluntary campaign tomorrow at Harmol beach a town near our school almumina. First, we hesitated but when we thought about that we are capitalized on to achieve the unannounced aims of this campaign. Therefore we decided to agree
The day after, the teacher came to our class and took us to the bus. While we were walking to the bus, she told us that we will clean Harmool beach. What a shock! Frankly our faces were full of scores and wrinkles from upset because we did not know that we are going to clean and collect rubbish, but there was not any choice.
At 8:30 we arrived at the beach with anger and despaired. later, All of us explored the beach, it was wonderful but full of rubbish and garbage. We were astonished to find other students from other schools participated in this campaign too .after that, the teacher distributed hats, shirts, gloves and cleaning tools. We started cleaning the beach and removing the rubbish such as old broken nets, tins and bottles. we also took some photos. After finishing the cleaning, we took break and we played with sand and shells. Then the organizer distributed some gifts, water and Omani halwa (sweets). It was very delicious sweet.

At 12:00 pm Sadly the teacher told us that the time was finished and we must return to the school. We implored her to stay for few more minutes. Finally we returned to the school, of course we felt tired but as we said the best you do the more you get. We thanked God that He has chosen us to participate in this great good deed.
Written by:
Marim Al-sadi
Buthaina Al-sadi
Azza Al-risi
Aamna Al-Jabri
Al-Moamena School
Hello everyone,
On 30/1/2010 we started anew project in our school which is “Quran forum”. In this course we as students , are taught by a teacher about how to read the Holy Quran properly . there were 30 girls in the project . I fell great after joining this course . the teacher said that who is going to read properly . she will graduate . And I hope to win. Wish me best luck.
It is similar to a school,but in the quran forum we don’t learn all the subject but we lean one subject on. It is quran. It is a voluntary work in our school to teach students how to read Holy Quran properly. the meeting had 30 students. i wish that it will happen in all schools in Oman.
 Hind AL-Hajri Raya Alhajry Ruqayah school

 My friends and i decided to do somthing good for our science labs.
we took lpcoats and washed them at our houses. this will make encouragement for other students to do the same. 
These are some pictures..
Asmaa AL-Kasbi Ruqayah School
Listening to our students a little more. There are teachers who forgot to listen the students’stories, learning difficulties and even personal problems.
Reduce Teacher Talking Time is a Good Deed, indeed!!!
Almerinda Garibaldi CILT – Brazil

Here I am from Ruqaya School, sharing with you our latest events regarding the project Good Deeds. on Jan. 26, 2010 we decided to unify our efforts for the sake of our school. our SS gathered and cleaned the school yeard along with organizing the halls and classes.

Asma Al-Kasbi Asma Al-Baloushi Fatma Al-Hajri Hanaa AL-Hajri
Ruqaya School Oman

 A group of students from AL-Khalili school from Oman – Nizwa visited about 60 sick children aged of new born to 8 years old. First the were welcomed by the in charge of the hospital Saad AL-Hadhrami. Then they met the children and sat with them for a short time playing with them and sharing good time with them. Next the gave each children a nice gift to enter the happiness and pleasure into their hearts. It was great moments in deed they saw the nice smiles in their faces and their moms’ faces as well.After that the left the hospital with tears because the saw very scary sights in all hospital’s wards especially children wards.
Before the leave the in charge of the hospital gave the students some information about the hospital such as, when it was built, the number of staff in the hospital, the number of beds and so on. Finally students left the hospital and returned it their school.
Yassir Al-Rashdi Al-khalili school Oman
I am going to write the plan of iearn group of the school. First of all we are working with cooperation with public social work activity and the Islamic culture group. So far we have achieved the following activities:
1. “The prophet is my admirer” project
2. a visit to the disabled association in Saham and Sohar
3. orphans and needy daily meal distribution
4. cleaning Harmol beach
Our next activities will include:
1. raising funds for the disabled.
2. visiting other schools in the district to collect funds and to show our project.
I wish our programme is useful and influential. please write back if you have any comments.
The list of the group
1. Asayel Aljabri
2. Hajer Alkahbi
3. Azza Alrisi
4. Jawaher Alsharqi
5. Buthaina Alsadi
6. Mariam Alsadi
7. Najlaa Almamiri
Amn AlJabri
Al-Mumena Primary School
It is winter now and the weather is cold, therefore, we decided to help the poor workers and cleaners in the school who always come from the early morning to work and clean the school. The students asked to buy gloves for them or make them a cup of tea to keep warm. So, next day the students served them some tea in the morning and they were very glad.
Marwah AL-Rawahi Faiza AL-Tobi Oman
 We shared the social worker in our school in the donation box to help poor and orphan people. We told our students about the box and to whom we will give the money that we all will collect. They accepted the idea and they asked us to give some of the money for Palestinians too.
Next day a boy of iEARN immediately came to us and said that he is ready to donate today. I took him to the donation box which has the symbol of iEARN (Good Deeds) project and I asked him to put his money in. I took a photo and I thanked him a lot.
here is the photo. He has already put the money in before I took the photo.
Regards, Marwah AL-Rawahi & Faiza AL-Tobi Al-Ajyal Al-Saeeda School Oman