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Hello from Uzbekistan
I am Site Monitor of Internet Centre of school 20 Fergana city, Uzbekistan. On given moment we work with our volunteer of the centre on this project. I have conducted the small seminar about good action in general, about that that we must help the nee ding retiree. Each day making any action, we try to make only good action. One of such action we have made to day of the victory, have visitted the veteran of the war, which waged war whole war. Meeting passed very seminal. The Veteran has told about the ir own feat, as well as pupils have asked to tell about good action, which he has made.After conversation, the pupils have solved to help the veteran, little were put in order, helped prepare dinner. Right after, the meeting have discussed already in cla ss our visit.
On given moment pupils write the small compositions about meeting and about good action. After our visit, we have solved also to descend in orphanage with our program. The Administration of the school completely us have supported. They have solved this vi sit to do school, each pupil will participate, someone will dance, someone will make drunk, someone will tell the poem, someone anything will bring for children from orphanage. Here is so, we work whole school.
Join Us.make good deeds.
🙂 :ooh: :sheepish:
“Sitora Khamidova”.
Our BIG & Dangerouse Enemy
Hello I am Heba 17 YEARS OLD,FROM EGYPT … i ‘d like to say thank u very very very much for talkin about that very dangerous problem that threaten our life all over the world . i thank all people who get in here to talk about how to save our life but we all need a setiuation not just some words that we say through net and as it was said as it is forgeten…..please we should begine affective work from this moment … excuse me this is the programme :
1)we should get rid of smoking..
this is the first step plz do it if u see any one smokes, ask him/her to stop immediatly and throw this cigar or cigarret in the recycle..we have to be honest ..we will count how many people have done that in the 1st week and if the number was less than 1 00 person we shoul repeat not to give up hope it is not laughing matter we should have patience…ok let us gooooooo
From Egypt,
Heba with love
Cleaning The Beach!
Today we went to the sunny beach of karachi,for baech cleaning .We reached there at about 8 am ,and started working in the pairs .We collected dumps of garbage which the karachites daily throw in the beautiful sea . It was all part of community service ,t he purpose of this activity was to bring awareness among people and to create a civic sense .This was just an initiative step and it cannot bring a big difference but atleast it can create a small change in the thinkings of all of us who were involved in it and hopefully we will avoid throwing wrappers so carelessly in our beautiful sea, the next time we go to the sea.
Sara Jaffery
Habib Girls’ School
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Amal Ahmed
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??? ?? Forums : Social Studies Good Deeds
????? ??????? : ?? 15/6/2004 ??? 20/8/2004
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Write to you to the Site Monitors of Educational Internet Centers from schools ? 20 cities of Ferganas and ? 9 cities of Margelan from Uzbekistan. We with the volunteers have decided to begin work above the project ” Good deeds “. We p lan to visit children’s homes of our cities with concert programs. On Monday on May, 3 we plan to discuss with the volunteers a course of actions under the project, competitions, prizes, the dancing program, competition of figures. If you have same idies about this project, about our actions, please write to us. We will be waiting.
SM school # 20 Khamidova Sitora skhamidova@connect.uz
and school # 9 Badalov Jahongir jbadalov@connect.uz
Sitora Khamidova, Uzbekistan.
SM school # 20 Khamidova Sitora skhamidova@connect.uz
and school # 9 Badalov Jahongir jbadalov@connect.uz
Joining your project
Teachers and students from Ferghana city, Uzbekistan, active iEARN participants would like to join your project.
We have already started our work – discussed the topic and how our students understand it. And what is more important – we’ve decided to start a good action ourselves. By the 9th of May our students found veterans of the World War the second,organized int erviw with them and deciced to publish a book about veterans of Ferghana City and present the book.
We suppose – the real actions are more important than just speaking about that
“Irina Gostukhina”, Uzbekistan
Response to “How to Win in Life”
Hi. My name is Barbara. I am a student at Georgia State University in the U.S. I enjoyed reading your message about the importance of setting high goals for yourself and believing that you can achieve them. I agree with your observations that we do no t know how much ability we possess until we try to achieve our goals and learn to overcome obstacles in order to achieve them. It seems there is something rather important about overcoming the obstacles we encounter on our way to achieving our goals. It may also be true that the positive attitude required to continue to pursue our goals helps to shape our character and determine the kind of person we are to become in life. This is certainly the case in your example of Abraham Lincoln, a man who rose fr om poverty to become one of the most determined leaders in American history.
I think also that in order to win in life, we must consider the impact of our actions on the people around us, those who will be affected by our actions. History is filled with the stories of people who have achieved success or fame at the expense of ord inary men, women, and children. One who is able to accomplish his or her goals while treating other people with respect and dignity is the real winner in life.
Georgia State University
Change the world
There are is so much evil going on in the world that I want to bring an awareness that one good deed can make a lot of difference. I am making an appeal to everyone who reads this message not to think only about himself or herself. Let us unite and make a difference. Let us look out for the poor, the elderly, the sick, children,and the homeless. This list can go on and on. I am sure in our own little part of the globe we can start today by helping someone in need or even change an evil person to a go od person.
“Atlanta-Mirranda Sawyerr”
One small good deed can do wonders!
Hello Everyone!
My name is April Previte and I am a student at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA, USA. One good deed, no matter how small, can change one person. When that person changes for the better, then the world gets a little brighte r. I have a friend that was going through some very tough times and I never knew how disturbed and depressed she truly was until two years ago. I would help her with homework, invite her over to my house so that she could get out of hers for a while, an d just sit and listen. By opening my home and help to her, she was able to get out of a bad situation and is now trying to go to college. Even when I’m at the grocery store, I always try to help someone if they are having problems with their bags. By b eing kind to one person, that person will end up doing something good for someone else, and the cycle keeps going on. I think that if we start out with the little good deeds, the great deeds will be a piece of cake. :sillygrin:
“Atlanta-April Previte”
Bad Habits!
This is a sample for bad habits . Writing n the school walls and other places . this habit must be change for save our environment from vision pollution. Our school is a friend to the environment school, my group help it. Please compare between the two schools and send your comments.

First stage:
At first we started form here .this place was very bad then we cleaned it. We decided to plant it to change its feature so started environment group to put a plan to work. The environment group decided to help and to clean the school. This work made them positive individuals inside the school.

Second Stage:
The girls cleaned the place before planting it. They planted the plants in different places to change it into a garden .

Third Stage:
The place after cleaning and planting became a wonderful place.

Please tell me, are we successful?

Amal hussainy and her team work.
My group share to clean and plant this place .they were very happy .
Please send a comment
Amal and her group