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Everyday something good happens to you. Whether you know it or not that good deed which was done to you was a result of someone receiving a good deed from someone else. We shouldn’t expect people to do things for us because we do good things for them, but we should know that because we are doing good for the world that the world through the different people, organizations, and groups will provide unseeable good deeds that will affect our lives. Feeding the homeless can help someone gain the motivation to go out and apply for a job which in turn lowers the unemployment rates, which opens the door for more businesses to start, which help people across the country get a job, which continues to stimulate the local economy, which helps the larger economy, which strengthens the globally economy, which keeps the computer companies from going under and we are able to continue using things like IEarn, which in turn made my day better by knowing that there are some people in the wor ld that cares besides me. 😎 just a thought..
Antwon Willis
Dear Mr.Ismail
We’re all really glad to hear your opinion, Thanks 🙂 , I’d like to add also that all these stories and thought we came up with, we collected it all in one magazine so pupils at school are free to use it also we put some of these on the wall of our school, We’ll be showing pictures soon that could describe it all, also I’d like to say that very soon, we will be anouncing our new good deeds website, which contains all about last year’s and this year’s project so its all in one web site which all people can access it worldwide, you can find all about us, our project, and our project’s pictures too, I’ll be spreading the link as soon as i finish it..
Basem Younis Zahran schools Alexandria-Egypt
Have you ever considered your own self while you were back in your early ages [ex : 8-14] working instead of a mother taking care of you and a father willing you the best life in the future, imagine your childhood was full of nightmares as you were working while you are getting no care, no education, just nothing but ur own world where u work,
Sherouk would like to talk to you more about it..
“”Which football club do you support, Ahli or Zamalek?” 10- year-old Ahmed (not his real name) asks. “You know the match is on tonight, right? I’m going to watch it, it doesn’t matter where; any coffee shop will do. But it’ll be good!” Bright-eyed Ahmed has been sleeping outside the Aboe-El Abas Mosque for the last four nights. By day, he sells packets of handkerchiefs to pedestrians and tourists. “I’m not a beggar,” he declaims proudly. “I work.” Already, at the age of 10, he has been twice detained by the police, having been caught selling handkerchiefs. “No one came to pick me up when I was released,” he explains, “no one even sent me food while I was in there. I hardly ate — just bread, whatever other inmates had to spare.”
For children like Ahmed, conditions at home are so hopeless that street life seems to offer a brighter future, however marginally. “I manage, with God’s help. Am I happy? I’m co ld — as we sit and talk now I’m freezing.”
Nor is this his first experience of living on the street. This time he left home because of his mother, he says: “She beats me so often. I don’t keep a tally on how often she beats me,” he laughs, “but I tell you it’s a lot. It’s better this way.”
“I want to go home, but not so long as my mother’s there. She’s going to go and stay with my father in Hurghada, which is where he’s from,” he continues. “She goes often enough, and every time she travels, she takes my two brothers and two sisters with her. But I’m the naughtiest of the lot, so she leaves me behind.”
Fatma, a tall peroxide blond who looks 12, does not know how old she is. Her friends call her Sattuta — which roughly translates to “little madam” — though she scolds them for it. Unlike the vast majority of them, she has a home she can go back to. “Sattuta’s like my elder sister,” says Ahmed. “She and I are always together.”
The two children are keen to know where their stories will be published, and whether things will change for them as a result. Media exposure notwithstanding, their living conditions inspire little hope. “I don’t go to school. Of course I’d love to, but it’s too expensive. So it has to be this way, I suppose,” Ahmed says.
It is at this moment that two police officers approach us — to inform me that it is strictly forbidden to conduct interviews with street children.
Though it is impossible to verify how many Egyptian minors find themselves living, working and sleeping on the streets — with the majority of cases still occurring in Cairo and Alexandria — UNICEF estimates that there are 200,000- one million homeless children in Egypt.
Among the threats they daily confront are illness, hunger, injury, sexual abuse, physical violence and exposure to and consequent dependence on illicit substances, not to mention the psychological trauma of growing up without a sense of belonging to a home and a family — a trauma in no way helped by the way in which they are systematically marginalized.
By Egyptian social standards, they live in a separate world with its own, separate set of rules. “These aren’t children,” one passer-by interrupts the conversation to remark. “They’re devils — don’t believe a word they tell you.”
Al – Ahram news paper / 3-9 March 2005 / Issue No. 732
By / Sherouk Mohamed
“Education”,”Go To School”,”You Must Learn”,…etc “Education is probably better because illteracy is wrong” We hear lot of these past quotations, but we never feel how they really mean and important they are,
“What Education mean?? Education is the step from illiteracy level to knowledge level, education doesn’t mean school or college, education is a place or an object you can get from it little new information help you in the life.
Why is Education important??? Education is the key to your future. It provides knowledge and skills that you can use for the rest of your life. Education can help you get and keep your dream job. Education gives you options in the life , it provides you with the knowledge you need to continue your life, it is something which people value because it open new horizons and ways in the Business world , also The level of the Education fixes the level of the job ,……………
College Education!! Many of people don’t complete their education and stop at the high school level for many reasons, some don’t have the money to complete and some need to work more than the need of educate because of the life situation and some hate study and ……… ,
But the college education and who reach the level of college should complete it, Also college education is important when looking for the best jobs, and it will also help you to develop communication, it also grow your skills in logical communications with people also in life science and specially in your college science ….. So… Try to complete your education and never part with it .
By / Sherouk Mohamed
Helping orphans and taking care of them is a more than a good deed, Its more like noble work which shows how much does this person cares for those who are suffering, like these children who are suffering their loss of their parents, Yoman decided to talk to you about this headline in the next article..
” Have you ever thought of these people, those who lost their parents, even the father, mother or both? When they were children they needed every second to live in the presence of their parents.
May be you didn’t know the feeling of the Orphans, because you didn’t pass with their situations before, the Orphans are like any such children , in the same age, they want a mother to know their feelings , to tell their secrets, and to understand what they think of.
They want to know the feeling of a father, who cares for them, and works hard to hope his children an easy, comfortable and happy life. They never thought that they can lose any of their parents one day, if so, they wouldn’t miss even a second with them in their life time, but what of that? You don’t know what is the fate hiding for you ? You didn’t think that the days will take someone dear to you , and what if this person was your father , or your mother ? The dearest to your heart than anyone else!
But what about the others, who were born fatherless ,, or lost their father, or mother when they were too young to understand the meaning of (parents) ? They may not feel the same as the others who – at least – live with their parents a short time , and began to understand each other , and lived together some time ,when love began to grow between them & suddenly they are choked to hear their parents lost for ever!
 In both situations , I think – it is the worst feeling for anyone , I just can’t imagine the life without interacting in a way creamed with care , love and aid in the relationship between the parents and their children. We all have to thank God a lot for that gift , hoped to us without asking to have it , this real gift that is hard to lose our parents.
you can go to visit, some special places for Orphans , there you can find the real meaning of ( losing parents ) , we – sure – can’t substitute the love and care of their parents with our love to them , but – at least -we will draw an innocent smile on their poor faces , your visit can cheer and amuse the many heart that were full of sorrow, and remember that feeling pity for the Orphans & keeping your mind thinking of them only isn’t enough to help them any thing.
GO, with some friends & visit them , this positive action will lead you to more , and be sure when you do this, that you don’t expect anything from other . You do this only to help some poor disappointed Children.
God will ask you how you treated people and how you helped others – with a pure intention -, and of course you want to answer happily that you did a lot – as much as you can – ,you are not an angel after all !
Helping Orphans is a small branch of many other ways for doing Good Deeds !
Thanks by Yomna Mady
Yes, I feel that I am good 🙂 because i treat people very well and in Ramadan when I was walking i saw a poor lady and she has a small baby and she does not have money to eat, so I gave her 30 pounds to eat and I gave her clothes and i made other good things. :ooh:
Dalia Wahib
Hi everyone: We invite some students from small school to visit our school Victory College in Alex. We spent a nice day with them. The visiting began from the theatre where we and the visitors sing and show a poem and play music then we directed to multimedia where we display a film about the sun and its importance in our life. Then we went to computer labs. where we explain how to do research and present it and gave the chance for them to make search on internet. Alao, we went to the biological Labs. and see samples of organ and animals in formalin. The visitors were very happy. hoho
Here are some creative art work from some talented students in SOS school, Lahore, Pakistan.
I hope you like them. Please don’t forget to leave your comment on each entry.

Best of luck, Ismail.
What is smile? It is just a form of face. or something more deep. When people smile they show their soul in their eyes. Sometimes when I smile & I look into somebodies face he smiles too. iearn members let us smile, let us laugh & let us fill our life with positive energy. Is that bad? Do you agree with me?
Yerevan school #2
Hello all.
For those of you who think doing small good deeds is unimportant consider the following. What is the power of a smile? How do you feel when a complete stranger smiles at you for no reason that you can ascertain? How do you feel when a stranger holds a door open for you when your hands are full? How does it feel when someone helps you to carry your purchases?
A small good deed can change a person’s attitude for an entire day and cause them to help others through similar small good deeds. This wave of good deeds can quickly spread and many people can be touched. What do you think?
Kevin Wood Georgia State University