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Examples of Good Deeds

Hello Abdullah,

You asked for us to share ideas for good deeds. First, I think the most important thing to teach children is that a good deed can be big, or small, seen and unseen. We do not have to show our good deeds for them to be good, and our good deeds may seem small, but in fact are very big because caring is big! Children can give so much when we give value to what they’re able to give.


  • Smile at someone who needs a friend
  • Share part of your lunch with someone who is hungry
  • Help someone in your family with a task
  • Ask your teacher if you can help tidy the classroom
  • Feed the birds
  • Share a song with someone who is sad
  • Tell a story to someone who is younger than you
  • Save your money to buy something your family needs
  • Plant some flowers to make a yard pretty
  • Read to someone who can’t read
  • Write someone a friendly letter
  • Teach someone to speak in your language


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