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Great Deed in Alexandria!

Dear Folks,

I heard about a great achievement and initiative that took place in Alexandria lately by the help of the students of Alexandria University. A group of students took the lead in initiating a project to provide a governmental hospital in Alex. with a full artificial kidney unit. Kidney diseases […]

My Friend’s Good Deeds

Dear friends,

I am here not to talk about a personal good deed, rather to mention one of my friends and recognize him. He is Egyptian that I met in Saudi Arabia lately. This man is great and honest. I realized from the way he treats people and friends that he […]

Good Deeds Day..

I try to do many good deeds. I have done lots of them but it is difficult to tell all about them, as I do them not only to be praised. The God says: “Love each other and spread kindness around you.” I follow this advice. Kindness will save the world. On […]

Different Good deeds from our Friends in Egypt 😉 Students in this project are help others in any good work ,with out thanks because it is a volunteer work , also we try to know the problems we may be faces it in our project and try to discuss it . and suggest some solutions […]

I am Mona from MISR Language School. We participated in Nature Learning Circle with RITSC last term. Our question was :”How to preserve nature? Students in the group decided to buy a waste basket and stick the “Thank you”, for students at school throwing was te materials in he school playgroud. Thus encouraging their classmates […]

Voluntary Work in Schools

Dear iEARN family:

I am very happy to be with you in this good work, and i’d like to tell you a reall story in our school . it is by Mr Mohamed Hossny : please, read it and sent to us your reflection….

Voluntarily by science building and […]

old secondary school for girls Project I’m Amal hussainy ,old secondary school for girls Kafr El-Skeikh. thank you for your attach. I’ll send attachment.about good deeds inside the school by girls. please download it our forum is yothcan thank you .

“Aml El-Hussieny”


old secondary school for girls Project I’m viola adly ,old secondary school for girls,Kafr teacher is mrs. amal hussainy.I’ll send attach. about our deeds .please send a comment

Viola Adly

Re: How could we make the world a better place?

Dear Colleagues,

I do agreey with u all that this world needs special attention of all especially the teachers community as they are the guiding force behind any change in the attitude of our new generations.

Karim Alam

Aga khan hi […]

Re: Pay it Forward

Hey Stacie,

I saw the movie and i thought it was very touching. If we paid it forward, if we passed on nice deeds the world would be a better place. Like if we build schools in under-developed countries, or send nurses and doctors to under-developed countries, fundraise money for […]