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Good Idea

Hello, I am Lma from Egypt, i think ur idea is wonderful…pls go on, I’m sharing the same project with my friends..but we are designing flash cards about street kids. I hope we make something good….by the way we are using our teacher’s passowrd because wedon’ t have one till now.

Lma […]

Making a big difference to make the world a better place


My name is Mirranda sawyerr. I am currently in Atlanta, Georgia where I am being trained to be a Middle School teacher. I believe we all have the potential to make a difference in this world no matter who we are or […]

Good Deed

Hi Tara,

Thank you for your message.

As I live in NEw York City, I am constantly running into people who are homeless and who ask for money or food. Sadly, they are everyone . . . and I often ignore them because it is just too much to ac knowledge […]

Good Deed

Dasha- What you tried to do that day was the perfect example of a good deed. You took an everyday occurrence for that man, and went out of your way to help him. It is people like you who do good deeds in everyday situations. And that is what a good deed is. […]

Good Deeds Can Take Us A Long Way

Gratitude Obedience Outstanding Decent

Demeanor Etiquette Effect Decorum Success

As a prospective teacher, I feel that these words describe a measure of what it means to display good deeds. Whether it’s a welcoming smile, words of encouragement, or another nice gesture; good deeds will […]

Good Deeds never waste

Hi shude, I am Rabia from Alif Laila you are right if we are not poor and we have all things but we should try to help poors by giving them money, food and clothes by this we can make them happy. Good works never waste try to always he […]

Achivments of School #20

According the working on project “Good deeds” IEARN beside administrator EIC Sitora Hamidova and 6 pupil 8-“?”- class of the school 20 appeared the idea to visit the orphanage an invalid ” Muruvvat uyi” in Fergana city. This idea has supported al l teachers and pupils of the school and was […]

Spreading a smile without knowing..

Hello friends,

I am Rabeya from Karachi, Pakistan. A student of grade 10 at habib girls’ school. I don’t know if this was a good deed or not, but b/c it made someone feel better and spread a smile on her face, i decided it was a good deed. […]

Good deed or foolish deed?


I tried to do a good deed on Sunday, May 23rd but think that it turned into a foolish deed.

I went to an office supply store called Staples to get two items laminated (covered with a sheet of plastic). Next to the store was a doubled […]

“Yes 2004”

my name is zahra and I am from aga khan school,garden karachi.I have attached the report of good deed I have done not only I but we total the group of YES scholars from karachi has done it together.Its some about that we have with our all efforts have cle aned the beach […]