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Making a big difference to make the world a better place


My name is Mirranda sawyerr. I am currently in Atlanta, Georgia where I am being trained to be a Middle School teacher. I believe we all have the potential to make a difference in this world no matter who we are or what profession we are engaged in. I i ntend to make a difference in the lives of the children that I will soon be teaching. I also believe that we all have positive traits that could be nourished in order to make this world a better place. I am determined not to give up on any of my student. I will try to bring the good out of every student through patience and perseverance. I think we all can make a difference by trying the following: a smile, seeking other’s interest, unselfish deeds, giving time and money for any just cause, giving cons tructive criticism, help to keep public areas clean, and always ready to say a kind word.

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