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A good deed by the students of Fatimiyah School

Dear Friends,

Recently we all have celebrated GYSD in Cario. As a part of Service Learning and Community Service activities, Fatimiyah School in Karachi donated books and some money to a school in an underprevilaged area.The students in that school were in a need to a library. The students went there to set up the […]

Helping my Team

Hi!! I’m Dayanne Ornellas from Brazil and I’m a student of CILT (Centro Interescolar de Línguas de Taguatinga – DF-Brazil)

I’m here to talk about my part in the Good Deeds Project, my part is in the study room co-operating as a monitor, helping other students that have doubts in their English. This is […]

Visiting a Nursery School

Hi everibody of GOOD DEEDS PROJECT, we are Eline, Mikaele, Ana paula, Aline, Almir ,Vanessa and Ana Catarina . The group from CILT, Almerinda’s class. Now we will tell you about our Good Deeds Project.

Yesterday (June,20th) we visited a nursery school in the afternoon. How we planned, everything occurred very well. The […]

Care and Love

I had never done good deeds before. When I was 15 years old, my school started a project called “Aluno Cidad?o” or (Citizen Student). We had to help whit some charity actions. My group chose to visit an asylum. We stayed a day there playing the guitar and talking with people. When I arrived there, […]

Two Messages


When I help my mother, I fell tired, but around 3 years ago, her arm were wounded and I had to clean my house, wash the dishes and make food. I asked my brother to help me because I felt tired because my house is very big, and it was difficult to […]

Dangerous Fight!

Once, I had gone out with my friend. She said to me that 2she had fought with a girl that I met. I didn’t believe in her. I was laughing when a girl came, and they started to fight. The girl had a knife and hurted my friend. She was badly hurt and I had […]

helping Sick Children

Hi Jimmy,My name is Eline and I from brazil. My favorite color is blue,too. I like basketball but I prefer swimming. My favorite food is pizza and my mom’s food (it’s really good). My good deeds is helping sick children at a nursery school.I feel happy because you are in good deeds too.It’s good for […]

Helping my Grandmother

Once, I was going to school when my father called me and told me that my grandma was alone at her house and was not so good. I didn’t go to school, I went to my grandma’s house. When I arrived there my relatives have called an ambulance and they were waiting for that . […]

Good Deeds in Brazil

Deyvisson Ferreira CILT_I4_070 Hello, my name is Deyvisson Ferreira, I’m from Brazil. I’m seventeen years old and I study English at Cilt in Taguatinga, DF, Brazil and I´m in the third year of high school. Well, I’m here to explain about this project which will aid various people in need. Thanks for the opportunity!!! 🙂 […]

A Good deed…….. A Little Advice

people in deficiency or in need should be given priority. We should’nt put obstacles between us and them. On the contrary, we all have to do our best to make their life better. Good deeds aren’t only actions.. Nice words can also leave the same effective influence that good actions usually do.

So I think […]