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Keep it up looking to learn much more !!

“Education”,”Go To School”,”You Must Learn”,…etc
“Education is probably better because illteracy is wrong”
We hear lot of these past quotations, but we never feel how they really mean and important they are,

“What Education mean??
Education is the step from illiteracy level to knowledge level, education doesn’t mean school or college, education is a place or an object you can get from it little new information help you in the life.

Why is Education important???
Education is the key to your future. It provides knowledge and skills that you can use for the rest of your life. Education can help you get and keep your dream job. Education gives you options in the life , it provides you with the knowledge you need to continue your life, it is something which people value because it open new horizons and ways in the Business world , also The level of the Education fixes the level of the job ,……………

College Education!!
Many of people don’t complete their education and stop at the high school level for many reasons, some don’t have the money to complete and some need to work more than the need of educate because of the life situation and some hate study and ……… ,

But the college education and who reach the level of college should complete it, Also college education is important when looking for the best jobs, and it will also help you to develop communication, it also grow your skills in logical communications with people also in life science and specially in your college science …..
Try to complete your education and never part with it .

By /
Sherouk Mohamed

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