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Achivments of School #20

According the working on project “Good deeds” IEARN beside administrator EIC Sitora Hamidova and 6 pupil 8-“?”- class of the school 20 appeared the idea to visit the orphanage an invalid ” Muruvvat uyi” in Fergana city. This idea has supported al l teachers and pupils of the school and was solved all together visit “Muruvvat uyi ” and conduct the charitable action.

19-May 2004 – a year 7-teachers 17-pupil at the head with administrator EIC Hamidova Sitora in purpose of the charitable action have organized the trip in orphanage invalid “Muruvvat uyi”. All teachers and pupils of the school on its desire have collected and have brought in administration of the school baby cloth, toys, sweetmeats, liver, fruits, vegetables, drink, some has contributed the money donation, to which were bought products and gift for children. The Purpose given action: Stretc h the helping hand an orphanage, deliver although little joys in life invalid-children, render to children spiritual and material help. The Teachers and pupils have organized for ? alumnus’s of the orphanage big feast, merry concerto , dif ferent plays and competitions.

The Alumnuses have answered all questions of the quiz and have got for each correct answer different prizes. In concerto have took part well-earned actor Republik of Uzbekistan Ilhom Ibrogimov. The Administration of the sch ool tried to deliver the joy an alumnus orphanage. The Pupils-alumnuses of the orphanage from these actions were complacent and have expressed the enormous gratitude. 2004 – a year of the Kindness and mercy. So such actions they are conducted in 20 schoo ls. Think that teacher and pupils does not it be limited this visit and hope that they and will further conduct the different charitable actions.

The Dear teacher and pupils wake merciful to to each other. In this group of the school #20 can be an example.

“Sitora Khamidova”

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