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Need your Help !!

I am Sherouk from Zahran school team, Alex.egypt. I am glad to all members read this message, i cry when i saw that on the TV. It’s our world future ,small kids and young children are smoking ?? ya smoking , they are street children those who no one care of them or give them […]

Different Replies in One

Dear Sayyora Saidova

I’m Yomna mady from zahran school in egypt.

At first I’ll not introduce my school or project or talk alot about both of them as much as I’ll thank you..

I want to thank you very much about your great heart that is full of mercy and love to those […]

Re: Good Deeds Around the World


I agree this idea tepical as you do!! and this is the main reason that made me join this project. We must – at least – try to do all kinds of helping to those who need our help. We should have some kindness and mercy in our hearts so that we’ll be able […]

Re: Is that the only way?

Dear Basem, Your talk so much nice about the war, but.. wars are so so badDo you see the wars in iraq or palastine,homes destroied or burned,all places are polluted,all things are now very bad beacuase of war;seas, trees, air and also grounds.. Best wishes….:angry: :worried: :sealed:

Mohamed from Hoda Sharawy Experimental School,



Take Time to Breathe

It seems as though everyone continuously rushes through life, juggling so many things at once, not realizing all of the wonderful treasures around them that they are missing out on. What a blessing it is to see the sunrise and here the birds chirp in the morning. The birds sing and celebrate each new day. […]

Dear Everyone,

It’s a perfect idea jumped across my mind, sometimes I think of pieces of writings, so I decided to share you my anthologies and poems, why don’t you try sharing me your poems about poor children or any good deeds you are involved in!!. I’m waiting for your writings, we […]