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A Visit to sick children in hospital

The students volunteer trip to the hospital and specifically children’s section, where m Gi distribution of their fellow patients, where they are interacting socially with the community around them and the comfort of the patient and his brother felt happiness and transmit them through their visit to these sick children.

Latifa Al-Kaabi IT Teacher Oman […]

Good Deeds in Oman


Yesterday, we started our activities in the project. We visited the center of disabled children. We took presents for them. My pupils played with these innocent children. In fact, it was wonderful. I will post my pupils writings and the photos soon.

RegardsBahia Alrashdi Oman


Helping Earthquake victims in Sumatra

Speaking about Good Deeds in a real life situation, one week ago. The students’ organization in my school donated a number of money to the victims of earthquake disaster in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. They have collected every cent of money from the students and other school staffs, and sent it through a certain institution to […]