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Good Deeds in the UAE

Hello Everybody. My Name is Faris And I am From The UAE. I think that my country should get better and modern technology for many services such as (for hospitals , schools and Civil Defence..) By Giving new technology to schools we can improve the way we lean and help others to teach. And hopefully […]

Good Deeds 2010

Hey! My Good Deed is when I do the laundry! I actually like to do the laundry! I think it’s kind of fun. The only thing I don’t like about it is when I get detergent on my hands. I do the laundry because my parents need some help arond the house sometimes! -Evalyn Black […]

Good Deeds in Morocco


I’m amine from Moulay Ismail school, Morocco. My friends and I have collected some money in order to help a student in our school so as to perform a surgical operation.

Good Deeds in Morocco

His mother comes to take money and she was so happy.

Amine hamri Moulay Ismail School Teacher: Aisha […]