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Never Done it Before – Brazil!

I had never done good deeds before. When I was 15 years old, my school started a project called “Aluno Cidad?o” or (Citizen Student). We had to help whit some charity actions. My group chose to visit an asylum. We stayed a day there playing the guitar and talking with people. When I arrived there, […]

Helping my Grandmother

Once, I was going to school when my father called me and told me that my grandma was alone at her house and was not so good. I didn’t go to school, I went to my grandma’s house. When I arrived there my relatives have called an ambulance and they were waiting for that . […]

Good Deeds in Brazil

Deyvisson Ferreira CILT_I4_070 Hello, my name is Deyvisson Ferreira, I’m from Brazil. I’m seventeen years old and I study English at Cilt in Taguatinga, DF, Brazil and I´m in the third year of high school. Well, I’m here to explain about this project which will aid various people in need. Thanks for the opportunity!!! 🙂 […]