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Quran Project in Ruqayah School

Hello everyone,

On 30/1/2010 we started anew project in our school which is “Quran forum”. In this course we as students , are taught by a teacher about how to read the Holy Quran properly . there were 30 girls in the project . I fell great after joining this course . the teacher said that who is going to read properly . she will graduate . And I hope to win. Wish me best luck.

It is similar to a school,but in the quran forum we don’t learn all the subject but we lean one subject on. It is quran. It is a voluntary work in our school to teach students how to read Holy Quran properly. the meeting had 30 students. i wish that it will happen in all schools in Oman.

Hind AL-Hajri
Raya Alhajry
Ruqayah school

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