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hi everyone

i like the idea of the project so much but i thinking of taking it one step further

why should not we make the kids work to help the others and in the same time get help from the others , they can give hand to each other in the school , parents help the school , school help the society, so kids feel that u can not be a alone u r a part of za all and they r part of u and all of these just bec. u started doing something good

Nevien Mostafa

Cairo 🙂 🙂

“Nevien Selim”

Hey Melanie,

My name is Nuria and I am from New York, my parents are from Puerto Rico. I am so glad that you learned enEnglishnd sign language, that is really amazing you learned two languages in such a short time.

I am proud to see my Puer to Rican people succeeding, congrats!

I agree with you the world still needs some changing, but I think if we the youth get together we can change the world!

Nuria from NYC

“Nuria Peguero”

Hi Sarah

I think you are rite but we still got to work a lot to change the world it’s going to take a while to work but iearn is a good start. Im 14 years old and im Hard of hearing, i attend to a school named Delaware School for the dea. I w as born in Puerto Rico and i lived ther for 13 years it have been a litle hard for me to learn a new language but many good people like you helped me a lot and now after one year and know sign language and english and i have a lot of friends. Well nice to write to you and bye

Melanie Ortiz

“melanie ortiz”

We are doing it guys!!

Hi all,

Greetings from Egypt…

I see our world is really getting better because of us!!! May be many of you will not agree with me but I am looking far.. to the future when WE become rulers and decision makers…

This I*EARN is the best proof of what I’m saying…see how many students from all over the world are making friendships, sharing opinions, knowing more and LOVING more through our beloved I*EARN????

We learn about countries we never used to hear about. and I’ll borrow the statement of Mrs. Yoko Takagi in the closing ceremony of the 7th IEARN Youth Summit in Japan,” I can never hate any country where I have friends”..

Our world IS getting better and thanks to IEARN and its likes :ooh: :ooh:

Sarah Magdy

Ramses College for Girls



If I am a child labour I cannot play in joy,to read books

and go to school.I have to sweep the floor and clen all the

racks and everywere.I need to go to the shop and bring things.

There is lucky child and he is playing,reading and going to school.

and he is waiting free all the time.I am telling to the people

please fight aganst child labours in the country.

Sachithra Fernando

Royal college school

Thu, 4 Dec 2003 04:41:48 -0500


AIDS is america’s killer. 8,000 people are dying every day from aids. 5,000,000 a year are are infected with hiv. count the zeros. thats six zeros. all these people who deserve to live are dead or dying. we need more education about aids in school and out in the world. people are ignoring the risk of sex and needle sharing. it can cause aids which = death. DEATH means to be decease. dead with your body rotting in the ground. means love ones crying over you cuz of a mistake you made that infected yourse lf with aids. DEATH means never seeing your mom, dad, sisters, brothers, friends, teachers, grandparents, your room, your things, pets, even your enemies. thats alot to lose. do you want to lose ALL that? you will also miss tasting food, hanging out with friends. playing out side on a warm suny day in the summer , laughing so hard you think your lungs would explode. all that is NOT worth losing over alittle mistake you did. is it? NO HELP educate people the warnigs and effect aids have.

lindsay :frown: :frown: