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my name is Veronika. I’m from Uzbekistan, Bukhara city. I’m a student of school #16, 11th grade.

I think that it is possible to change the world only with strong minded people, who can fight for peace, for truth, for happiness.


“Anna Kochneva”

What is the nicest thing someone has done for you?

While I am finishing school, my grandmother gave my husband and I her house to live in, so that we can save money. She has two homes one in Florida and one in Georgia. This has been a huge bless ing for our family. It is one of the nicest things anyone has done for me.


Georgia State University

“Atlanta-Stacie Hutchison”

Re: Do you hate poor man?


My name is Jennifer and I live in Atlanta, GA. I am a Georgia State University student. Since going to school in Atlanta, I have witnessed poor people who are homeless and live on the streets. Many have mental problems and some are just poor with no place to go. Everytime I see a homeless person on the streets, my heart breaks and I want to reach out and help so badly. Then I am reminded of the world that we live in and there are actually people who “work” as beggars and take peoples money who are only tr ying to help them. I do not hate poor people, I am always wanting to help. I hate to think that people would really hate poor people especially since most of the time they can’t help it. I am glad that you wrote a message about this topic. It is a very im portant topic that needs to be dealt with.

Jennifer .

“Atlanta-Jennifer Towles”:

For chaging the world,First,We have to change ourselves.




11:05 😐

“Fereshteh Abbasi”


I can relate to what you are saying, some homeless just break my heart. I feel like giving them everything I got. Homeless animals, make my heart crumble, though I have not seen many in New York in the past few years.

Ismail, a smil e can win over anyone, is a time where people get a glimpse of your soul.

Nuria from New York City

“Nuria Peguero”

“random acts of kindness”

Hello everyone,

My name is Jan and I am from Atlanta Georgia (USA). I attend Georgia State University full time as an education major. I currently work at a local coffee shop 20-30 hours a week as well. As you can tell, I am a very busy young lady. However, a couple of days ago I clearly recognized the importance of taking time out of my schedule to do “random acts of kindness” or “good deeds” for other people. I was influenced to make this a priority by a drive-thru customer at my work (the coffee shop). This swee t lady came through our drive through and ordered a small cup of coffee. She drove around to pay and noticed that a car had just placed an order behind her. She asked me for her total and then insisted on paying for the car behind her too. She didn’t a sk for their total. I told her that they had a rather large bill. I asked her if she was sure that she wanted to pay it. She said to me “that’s why they call it random acts of kindness, it wouldn’t be random if I picked the price that I was willing to pay.” She then smiled and drove off. The lady in the car behind her smiled for the first time that day. A complete stranger had turned her day around. This inspired me. Being a “broke college student” with a “broke college students job”, I don’t hav e the money to spare on strangers (or even myself for that matter). But I do have a heart and creative mind to “spend” instead. I want to make someone smile the way that the customer in the drive thru did. I want the world to smile like that-yes I do! 🙂


“Atlanta-Jan Beckwith”

Hi Nuria,

I like your philosophical approach. I must admit that I really hate seeing all the homeless people around me. I feel overwhelmed, because I want to give them money or food, but cannot give them to all. And i am very suspicious of them– are they really homeless? But if a person really moves me, then I will give. If I see the same person sitting on the same corner, in a couple of months, then I will give it to them. If the person has a pet that is obviously being taken care of, then I mos t certainly give them. I have a soft spot for homeless pets.

When I give someone money, I always feel embarrassed. As if, by giving the person money, I am humilating them. I do not know why? I feel really akward, especially when they keep thankin g me.



“Dasha Kosovsky”

Re: Do you hate poor man?

Hi Friends,

I like poor people very much & iwant to help them by giving money ,food ,clothes and good things to eat.I will like to educate them.

zain& arsalan

“Mohammad Zain”


I think that if you want to hepl someone you have to be able to help yourself first. You have to fix the things you have do wrong in your life then you can help others. We have to try be better person so that then you can help someone else to be a better person in life.

Take care


hi Mike,

it is me nadia and i have did something special to someone like my family because they help me alot we alway clean up my house……

your friend,

nadia thacker 😀

“nadia thacker”