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Re: In My Library We Encourage Good Deeds
Hello Amal,I think your deed is great one.Nothing can enrich a child’s life as much as gathering with youth their age. Gathering with youth their age is part of their maturation and part their learning experience. This is needed…I am so happy to hear that your doing this, many youth out there are deprived from interacting with others and this saddens me because they grow having lack of social skills and also lack knowledge of other cultures. And likely not to accept diversity.
Nuria from New York City
A Good Deed Witnessed on a Rainy Day
Hello, Yesterday in NYC it was pouring cats and dogs (as the local _expression goes)–rivers and rivers of water. Three of us (Ed, Diane and I) were taking a taxi cab because we had a meeting to attend at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. When we got out, there was a doorman who was holding an umbrella so that when we got out, we would not get wet. Over each person he held the umbrella until that person opened his. It was a very considerate thing to do because otherwise we would have gotten damper than we were. And as the cab was pulling away, he saw that an elderly woman accross the street was waiting for a cab. So he whistled back the cab for her. Have you seen any good deeds done lately?
Even a Smile Counts
Hello Kamilah, I agree a smile can turn someone day around. I remember one day I was going through some struggles and frowning up a storm. And this little girl smiled at me, she was so sweet. That small gesture brightened up my day.
Neteria NYC
Even a smile counts
Hello Kamilah, I agree a smile can turn someone day around. I remember one day I was going through some struggles and frowning up a storm. And this little girl smiled at me, she was so sweet. That small gesture brightened up my day. Nete ria NYC
Even a smile counts
When you think there is no way to spread happiness, a smile can change that around. Next time you see someone with a unsatisfied face just smile to let them know life gets better.
GSU-kamilah williamson
The Missing Wallet
Hello, Last week was the worst week yet to come. My wallet was stolen from me in the college of education building on Monday. It contained everything in it including my driver license,social security card and a lot of other important piece of info rmation I had a hard time retrieving all of this information back because you needed one to get the other. That wallet also contained about $150, but that was the last of my concerns even though I needed the money to get new ID. Like a page written from a novel, I received a $50 money order in the mail with no return address on both the envelope and the money order. I do not know who sent the money order, but I suppose it was the person who has my wallet. If not either way I am grateful for this and I was able to receive my drivers license and all of my other information because of the money. Thank You
Kamilah Williamson Atlanta GA Georgia State University
Re: no i don’t hate poor man
Dear Rasha My name is Ray Nash and I attend classes at Georgia State University and after reading your reply to Menke’s letter about not hating poor people, I just wanted to share this thought with you. There are poor people all over the world. So me of them are poor because they are mentally ill, but others are poor because they have not gotten a good break in life. But what ever the reason, I just want you to remember this is you ever decide to help one. You can buy a man a fish sandwich and he w ill eat for a day, but if you teach him to fish, he’ll eat for the rest of his life. If you do not understand, please ask your parents or teacher to explain it to you. Take care and study to be the best you can be.
Ray Nash Georgia State University Atlanta Georgia
Every little thing counts
As far as little things go, I find myself getting so upset during a given day at little ways that I see people being disrespectful toward me or others. My first impact is to respond with equal disrespect (yell back, cut down, honk, etc.). There’s a hard line between not letting yourself get walked over and turning the other cheek. I guess the most important thing for now is recognizing that the little things do make a big impact, and that someone’s actions toward me don’t justify rude responses.
Kathleen Jones- GSU
Every Little Thing Counts
There could be so many things we as individuals can do to change the world and make it a better place little by little. I learned that throughout my day I needed to begin to appreciate the little things all around me. When we smile or say a gentle hello to someone we have made a difference someone’s world. When we enjoy our laughter with our friends and family we’ve made a difference not only in our own life but in the life of someone else. Doing what’s right when no one else sees it. Like feeding the poor, vouluteering, community service; taking time out to give your time thats making a difference. We need not to pass up these opportunities to enjoy life and by doing so changing the world. Because life is so precious and we need not to take it for gr anted but appreciate and live each day to the fullest.
Rhoda Asumadu
Georgia State University, USA
Re: Take Time to Breathe
Hi Robyn, I too wish Americans could slow down. Most nations do have time for small things, but Americans are always rushing. And Americans are unusually obsessed with work. For example, in most countries, everyone takes a 2 or 3 hour break from work to have a very big lunch. During that time, stores close and school is already over. So the whole family dines together and then afterwards, the parents go back to work and the children go back to whatever they do in the afternoon. I wish in America we could eat a big lunch instead of a big dinner. First of all, then Americans would be thinner and they would not have so many problems.