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I am Mr.Nabil roshdy from Samy elbaroudy exp. school for girls from Alex. EGYPT two of my students thier names are “Fatma Atef& Rana Ebrahim” they have visited “TALBA HOSPITAL” in Alex.and this hospital for sick children .they were so affected by many children who are suffering from tumours, many of them were operated on ,and others were recieving drugs and rediation.they helped some of them to wash and dress ,they think that scintific and social must do great effort to eradicate cancer, and we must take care and help patients to be more comfortable.
Nabil Roshdy
Tolerance – 2
To understand how true this is, remember about those, who are sick, homeless, poor and indigent, invalid and just different than you are. What do you feel? Patience or irritation? Sympathy or aversion (disgust)? Do you take it in stride as reality of life or does it boggle your mind or do you reject them? Ask yourself: am I tolerant? The next question should be: what must I do to be tolerant? Do your best not to make harm, try to understand, sympathize and help others. It means the possibility to understand how difficult it is for some people to feel themselves as having problems not only with health but appearance, character, behavior, manners. Who can carry the weight of the world on one’s shoulders? – No one!
P.S. my name is Yulia, I attend classes at school 125 in Snezhinsk, Russia.
Dear friends! Today we are speaking about tolerance. To begin with I’d like to understand what the term tolerance means. There is no definite translation of the word into Russian. It can be translated as patience and sympathy, understanding and respecting somebody or something who or which is more or less different. People of different nations live in different places with different climate and nature. They speak different languages; have different customs, traditions, habits and ways, laws and values of life, manners and appearance. To express our thoughts and ideas, to understand each other we can use the English language as international. But what helps our hearts to see and understand the beauty and value of other people? – Tolerance!
I want your reflection on this picture..

Thank you,
Eman Mohmmed.
Dear All:
We had visited the hope village(it’s an orphange).When we went there we saw happy faces with sad hearts,many smiles of crying eyes,and suffering hearts from lose of parentage. Regard,
Menna Mostafa
AGE:13 the integrated care society The cultural center
Street kids
It’s a perfect idea jumped across my mind, sometimes I think of pieces of writings, so I decided to share you my anthologies and poems, why don’t you try sharing me your poems about poor children or any good deeds you a re involved in!!. I’m waiting for your writings, we can make together a wonderful discussion. Street kids are hungry &alone, They don’t have a place to call home, They really don’t have enough to eat, And often have to bear cold & heat, They are mostly miserable & sad, Some of them don’t have them the parents to make them glad, Thank god , there are enough orphanages to help them, If there weren’t any, the country would’ve run out of kids,women&men.
Deena Yehia 10 years old ICS – the Cultural center,
Cairo, Egypt.
Re: What is the nicest thing you have done for somebody?
Hi Adam, I don’t know what the nicest thing that I ever did for someone. But I do know that when I helped my friend with studying for his final after he knew he passed with a good grade he was very very thankful. It made me smile to see how happy he was.
Neteria NYC
Re: What is the nicest thing you have done for somebody?
Hello Adam, I know giving money to the homeless might sound minimal or common. I, still, personally find this deed the greatest deeds of all deeds. With this money the homeless person can break away from the daily cycle of not having any food to eat. Though the money might only be a days worth of food, this instance can bring joy and happiness to their lives even if it only lasts for a day.
Nuria from New York city
Hello, I think teaching religions in school is a very good deed. A good part of our history is shaped by religions, and a good portion of the conflicts that exist today and long ago had and have strong connections with religion and with religious customs and beliefs. It also teaches the students to be aware of peoples customs and traditions, and in some cases explains to them why a person dresses or acts a certain way.
Nuria from New york City