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Dear Friends,
Recently we all have celebrated GYSD in Cario. As a part of Service Learning and Community Service activities, Fatimiyah School in Karachi donated books and some money to a school in an underprevilaged area. The students in that school were in a need to a library. The students went there to set up the library and keep the books.
Here are few pictures of the event.Do share some pictures of the good deeds done by your school students.
Take care.
Lydia George Fatimiyah School in Karachi Pakistan.
Hi!! I’m Dayanne Ornellas from Brazil and I’m a student of CILT (Centro Interescolar de Línguas de Taguatinga – DF-Brazil)
I’m here to talk about my part in the Good Deeds Project, my part is in the study room co-operating as a monitor, helping other students that have doubts in their English. This is a very good part of the project because with it I can help my colleagues and improve my English. I like very much to be a monitor because I think is very good share knowledge with other people. This project is very good to me because being a monitor I discovered abilities of mine (teach and instruct). I hope the other people of this project can discover in themselves abilities and can take good memories of this project.
Dayanne Ornellas 🙂 hugs 😎

Hi everibody of GOOD DEEDS PROJECT, we are Eline, Mikaele, Ana paula, Aline, Almir ,Vanessa and Ana Catarina . The group from CILT, Almerinda’s class. Now we will tell you about our Good Deeds Project.
Yesterday (June,20th) we visited a nursery school in the afternoon. How we planned, everything occurred very well. The nursery school is an NGO receives donations to keeps that opened. The children’s parents don’t have money to pay a private nursery school and they need help, so this nursery school takes care of their children every day, all day. There children have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner and at 17:30 their parents take they home. In the morning they go to the park and in the afternoon they stay in the rooms.
 At 15:00 o’clock we arrived there and a teacher showed us the nursery school. She told us that they take care of 54 children. The age of them is one to five years old. When we saw the children, we felt very happy, because they were very surprised and happy with our visit .Then we stayed a little time with the little children. They have one and two years old .At first they were very shy (we too) but then, we started to play with them and they started to smile. A teacher was combing the girls’s hair and we helped her to pass moisturizing lotion in the other. When we were going away, we gave some candies to the teachers to give them after dinner.
Then we took leave them and they said good bye very happy and teachers thank us for the visit. It was a wonderful experience. Everybody liked it so much, because children like to stay with people who is loving and friendly with them. To do a good deed you don’t need to have only money ,but you have to have love, good w ill to help people and have to do they feel better. If everybody help other ,the world will be better and depends of you to don’t break this current!!!!!!!!! I hope you liked our good deeds project…
-pictures: Eline (pink), Aline (black), Mikaele (blue), Ana Paula (red) Brazil.
I had never done good deeds before. When I was 15 years old, my school started a project called “Aluno Cidad?o” or (Citizen Student). We had to help whit some charity actions. My group chose to visit an asylum. We stayed a day there playing the guitar and talking with people. When I arrived there, I felt a good feeling, a mixture of happiness and sadness. It was a big and important experience for me… Those people need more than actions to be happy. They need care and love – feelings that can move the world.
By Maria Auxiliadora P.F. da Cruz CILT I4 070 – Brazil 🙂
When I help my mother, I fell tired, but around 3 years ago, her arm were wounded and I had to clean my house, wash the dishes and make food. I asked my brother to help me because I felt tired because my house is very big, and it was difficult to clean and at the same time make food. After that, everyday, he helped me. I took care of my mother and helped her.
We are talking about the global warming everyday, because everybody is suffering. The carbon dioxide is a polluter and it is a big problem because in the atmosphere, it reduces the oxigen. When your grandson grown up and he will go to the place with ice, this place will stay totally different because the global warming is a problem that only we together can finish it.
Once, I had gone out with my friend. She said to me that 2she had fought with a girl that I met. I didn’t believe in her. I was laughing when a girl came, and they started to fight. The girl had a knife and hurted my friend. She was badly hurt and I had to help her. I took her to a hospital, and she was helped. The following day, she got out from the hospital and felt completely fine.
Ana Paula Machado
Hi Jimmy,My name is Eline and I from brazil. My favorite color is blue,too. I like basketball but I prefer swimming. My favorite food is pizza and my mom’s food (it’s really good). My good deeds is helping sick children at a nursery school.I feel happy because you are in good deeds too.It’s good for all help people or doing good things…
I holp you write me back!!!! 😎 🙂 🙂
Eline, Brazil.
Once, I was going to school when my father called me and told me that my grandma was alone at her house and was not so good. I didn’t go to school, I went to my grandma’s house. When I arrived there my relatives have called an ambulance and they were waiting for that . Then, the doctor told us that it was only a high blood pressure. Nobody could stay with her because they had to work. So, I stayed with her for three days and I helped her in everything that she needed untill she felt better.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Eline Sena
Deyvisson Ferreira CILT_I4_070 Hello, my name is Deyvisson Ferreira, I’m from Brazil. I’m seventeen years old and I study English at Cilt in Taguatinga, DF, Brazil and I´m in the third year of high school. Well, I’m here to explain about this project which will aid various people in need. Thanks for the opportunity!!! 🙂  Hello we are group from Brazil,our names are Jéssica, Jean,Pedro, Ra?nni and Raquel. We are about 14 our 15 years old.Our teacher’s name is Valda. In Brazil our favorite sport is soccer. We would like to tell you about a project we are working it is Called “The Character Counts”. Would you like to now about this? 😎 Thank You Braziliam Group 😎 :eyeroll: :asleep: :worried: :sheepish:
Hello Anne! Our names are Epifânia, Luiza, Marianna, Nara and Paulo. We are group from Brazilia – Brazil. Our teacher’s name is Valda, she’s a good teacher. We are in level B5. We have been working on a project called the character counts. Would you like to know about it? Brazilian group thank’s Good luck for you. :pbpt: :smile
Hello everybody :pbpt: My name is Erick Meirelles, I’m from Brazil, I live in Brasilia… I’m eighteen years old, I am a very cheerful person, I like to be close to my friends, I do everything for being happy This is my last year in High School, when I finish it, I will study a little bit more, and I will do some Contest to get a good profession, and I like so much practice sports, every day I run 1 hour per day, in Tuesday and Thursday, I do Swimming, in Monday and Wednesday I do Judo… and the goods deeds project is very interesting project, I think we can make new friends with we ideas, and this is a good opportunity to try do practice our English… 😎
Hello everybody, my name is Almir Filipe, I was born in Taguatinga – DF – Brazil, on May, second, in 1989, I live near Brasilia (capital city of Brazil), with my parents who are the most important thing in my life after God. Well, in this project, I expect to know many different people and their culture, discover how they live and how is life in their countries. I love making new friends and talking to them about everything. I wish to be a doctor, to help the people who need my services. I am studding very, very much doing my best in order to become an excellent doctor. I have studied English for five years, and I want to study another foreign language, because I want, as I said, talk with others people and know their culture. I want travel for many countries and know better this fantastic world and discover each one of its secrets.” Bye-Bye and nice to meet you! Almir Filipe Veloso Coelho Alves – CILT – I4 Class 070. 🙂 :goofy: :sillygrin: :ooh:
Hi Micheal, how are you? Well, my name is Almir Filipe, I´m 18 years old. To me Brazil is the better country, I would like to know different place, of course, but Brazil is only. Here the beaches are incredible, and the sun is very good, have many place to hang out, we have wonderful places for you know. If you, one day, visit Brazil you goes want live here. So, if you have any questions more, I will answer you! Bye bye and nice to meet you! Almir Filipe Veloso Coelho Alves – CILT – I4 Class 070. :sillygrin: :goofy: :ooh: 😀 🙂
Hi Kayla, how are you? Well, my name is Almir Filipe, I´m from Brazil, I’m eighteen years old. Then, my favorite sport is volleyball, my favorite food is pizza, I like orkut site and my favorite TV program is “Lances da vida”, a north-American program, I don’t know how say in English. My favorite subject is Anatomy. Ah I didn’t say, I’m at the university, I’m studying medicine. I loved your beach, I want to know. I advised you, some day, come here to Brazil, to know our beaches! Where I live aren’t beaches but, I advised you goes to Fortaleza-CE, to me are the best beaches! By the way, there are many different places here that are very beautiful. There are wonderful places for you know. So, I wait to know you more, and I wait, someday, can visit your country and your city! Bye bye and nice to meet you! Almir Filipe Veloso Coelho Alves – CILT I4 Class 070. 🙂 😀 :ooh: :sheepish: :pbpt: :sillygrin: :goofy
Hello Frank, Paul and Saulo. My name is Almir Filipe, I´m eighteen years old, I´m from Brazil, my favorite subject is anatomy, my favorite sport is volleyball and my favorite color is blue. I love goes to the beach and go out with my friends. What more about you? What are the places that you go? What do you like more in your country? What are your favorite food? And music? Tell me more about you and your country! What places that you advice me to go? Bye bye and nice to meet you! Almir Filipe Veloso Coelho Alves – CILT – I4 Class 070. 🙂 😀 :ooh: :sheepish: :pbpt: :sillygrin: :goofy:
people in deficiency or in need should be given priority. We should’nt put obstacles between us and them. On the contrary, we all have to do our best to make their life better. Good deeds aren’t only actions.. Nice words can also leave the same effective influence that good actions usually do.
So I think that we shouldn’t help other people to have their attention or admiration but to help them as much as we can and let them know that after every distress there is a welfare and there is always some light at the end of the tunnel..
So start to do beneficial job to get God blessings..
Farah Yusuf Syria.