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gifts for kids from Nukus school#33

Hi to all participants of the forum!!! This message from the students of school #33 city Nukus. Our city is situated in Republic of Uzbekistan. We want to join your family too! And to participate in your project “Good deeds”! In this project we really would like to find school of the partner both to copy them and to conduct joint job above the project.

We too have begun job above this project! We would like to introduce a photo about done jobs on the project. We have lead(carried out) the Christmas action(share) of mercy in a children’s garden “Kuwanish”, that means “Smile”, for deaf-and-dumb children for 3-4 year children.

The general(common) description of job above the project we shall publish later. In the first photo we sew hand-made articles as heart for children. In the second photo we give figures and Hearts to children. Though they do not hear but they understand us!!!

Write to us on the address:

Sayyora Saidova,

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