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Watering Plants

Plants are very important for us and our environment. We should not cut down trees but we should always plant more trees. I have a lot plants in my house. My mother has given me the responsibility to water them daily. When I come back from school I water all of them […]

Helping my mother


I always help my mother in setting up the table. Sometimes I help her in other work also. If she needs anything I go and buy it from the market. I also help my friends and my classmates. I really feel good by doing good deeds and helping others. I will always help others […]

A Poem about Planting Trees

Doing a good deed is a good thing Happiness is what they bring Cleaning your room, cleaning the fan Do good deeds as much as you can Feeding the goats, feeding the cows If you have animals feed them now

By Shahnoor Ahmed Class: VI-E Beaconhouse School System Defence Campus Karachi Pakistan

A Poem about Planting Trees

Planting Trees

Planting is a good deed As animals they feed Plant more trees Whenever you are free Plant trees every where They fit here and there The surrounding is changed as gases are exchanged

By: Alizah Aziz Lakho Class: VI-E Beaconhouse School System Defence Campus Karachi Pakistan


How to serve the community??

1. Purchase electricity, even for a month to some schools.

2. Covering of the orphans.

3. Provide of medicines to the elderly care home.

4. Visit hospitals and support patients, especially children hospitals.

5. Agreement with the companies to buy an ambulance for home for the elderly.

Hamad Rashed


The best rules

to make life better follow my rules: 1- keep the good work 2-never feel sad 3- be a manners guy 4- every day help someone 5- be great at school it will make you the best A good doer.

Ahmed Jasem Alsoqor model school UAE

How to do Good Deeds

Instructions:1- Ask someone what they need done. You may see someone struggling or looking tired. Go up and ask what you can do to help. You can help someone you know or you can help a complete stranger.

2- Do a task they may not want to do. Sometimes people are tired or ill. Help […]

Because we can

How can we change why and what ? What: We can change ourselves from better to better by: Learning more stuff and improving it Doing more thinks that makes us more developed and more How: We can change our community : Save it from all dangers Bring more to the century Of course all good […]

A Poem about education

Education is important Right from when an infant 

Education is not about college It entails a wider range of knowledge Supplying a market of skills shortage

Education is great It creates and decides upon ones fate Never leave it too late

Education makes it a priority To provide you with opportunities

So I say OK! […]

A poem about changing the world

I wanted to change the World.

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I

found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.

When I found it I couldn’t change the nation, […]