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More Great Deeds from Uzbekistan

On April 26 students of school 40 “Parvoz” visited Regional Ferghana Orphanage where they presented information about GYSD and about iEARN projects they can participate together. For younger students GYSD qiuz was prepared, winners got sweet prizes. Altogether children cleaned the yard of the Orphanage and watered trees and flowers. After the visit “Parvoz” school […]

Great Deeds from Uzbekistan

On April 25, 2008 a group of students at the age of 9-10 years old with their parents and a teacher of English Nargiza Khasanova from school # 40 “Parvoz” from Ferghana city, Uzbekistan, visited a specialized school # 86 for physically disabled students to conduct a presentation and planting GYSD action.


Learn about Disabilities

Working with the Special Olympics is a great way to get involved with the community. Not only do you gain a sense of accomplishment, but you get to learn about various physical and mental disabilities. As teachers, it is important to learn about various disabilities because they will be in the general classroom.

Jennifer From […]

Ideas from KSU

Since gas prices are going up and people are finding drugs in the water system many Americans are trying to find a way to help the earth without changing to much. There are list of things on the internate and the news such as: going the speed limit while driving, not flushing every time people […]

Re: Teaching Good Deeds

I think teaching good deeds to young children is a great idea. I myself want to teach my students when I have a classroom of my own about good deeds and things we can do to change the world or even our community. I think teaching kids while they are young about good deeds is […]

Good Deeds in Indonesia

“One of IEARN’s projects “GOOD DEEDS” attracts my interest. There are so many little things we can do and they can be regarded as good deeds. I can inform my students about this. “GOOD DEEDS” are around us, even at school. Keeping everything clean, throwing rubbish or even used candies plastics into dustbin are among […]

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Good Deeds Brochure from Bahrain!

It is a pleasure announcing the first issue of Bahrain Good Deeds brochure from Al-Ma’rifa Secondary School in Bahrain. Ameera says about the project and her team,

“We began working on the good deeds project last semester and my students did a wonderful brochure to distribute in the school about the importance of good deeds […]

GCE Students Promote Community Service As Part of Islam

Six GCE students at the Al Ma’arifa Secondary Girls School have put together a brochure promoting community service and emphasizing its important place in Islam as part of the Good Deeds project.

The Good Deeds project encourages students to make the world a little bit better through small acts of kindness. They then share […]

Indonesia: My Brother and I

A good deed is like a train. Once you do it, the other will follow…

My name is Bella. I live in Bogor and the student of 12th grade Senior High School 1 Bogor. I would share a good deed that I had experienced, so simple but it built a […]