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Good deed or foolish deed?


I tried to do a good deed on Sunday, May 23rd but think that it turned into a foolish deed.

I went to an office supply store called Staples to get two items laminated (covered with a sheet of plastic). Next to the store was a doubled over man who was crying and begging for some food because he was very hungry. He was in terrible shape so I decided to buy him breakfast. I was going to give him money at first but decided to buy him breakfast because I knew that it would be very difficu lt for him to enter a yummy deli and get some food. Plus, it is hard to spend money when you do not have any. Before though, I stopped at the pharmacy and bought something I needed for the house. Then I got him a toasted poppy-seed bagel with butter (fr om a very yummy place) and orange juice that had vitamins and minerals added to boost the immune system. I had it packed in a bag and went back to give it to the homeless man. However, by the time I had got there, he had left. I was very sad because I had wanted to give him breakfast. I waited a bit, but I he did not come back. So I left the bag with the food in the corner he was sitting, hoping that either he or some other homeless person who frequents the corner would find it.

I do not know wha t happened to the food and really hope that it was not thrown away. I left a note in it saying “Food for whomever needs it” so that it would not be thrown away. But I am thinking that it was . . . that makes me very sad because I hate to see food wasted a nd because it makes me realize that I did a foolish deed, though my intentions were good.

What do you think?


NYC/USA :chagrin:

“Dasha Kosovsky”

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