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Quran Project in Ruqayah School

Hello everyone,

On 30/1/2010 we started anew project in our school which is “Quran forum”. In this course we as students , are taught by a teacher about how to read the Holy Quran properly . there were 30 girls in the project . I fell great after joining this course . the teacher said […]

Washing Lab coates

My friends and i decided to do somthing good for our science labs.

we took lpcoats and washed them at our houses. this will make encouragement for other students to do the same.

These are some pictures..

Asmaa AL-Kasbi Ruqayah School


Listen to Your Students a Little More

Listening to our students a little more. There are teachers who forgot to listen the students’stories, learning difficulties and even personal problems.

Reduce Teacher Talking Time is a Good Deed, indeed!!!

Almerinda Garibaldi CILT – Brazil
