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Re: What is the nicest thing you have done for somebody?

Hi Adam, I don’t know what the nicest thing that I ever did for someone. But I do know that when I helped my friend with studying for his final after he knew he passed with a good grade he was very very thankful. […]

Re: What is the nicest thing you have done for somebody?

Hello Adam, I know giving money to the homeless might sound minimal or common. I, still, personally find this deed the greatest deeds of all deeds. With this money the homeless person can break away from the daily cycle of not having any food […]


Hello, I think teaching religions in school is a very good deed. A good part of our history is shaped by religions, and a good portion of the conflicts that exist today and long ago had and have strong connections with religion and with religious customs and beliefs. It also teaches the students to […]

Re: In My Library We Encourage Good Deeds

Hello Amal,I think your deed is great one.Nothing can enrich a child’s life as much as gathering with youth their age. Gathering with youth their age is part of their maturation and part their learning experience. This is needed…I am so happy to hear that your doing […]

  A Good Deed Witnessed on a Rainy Day

Hello, Yesterday in NYC it was pouring cats and dogs (as the local _expression goes)–rivers and rivers of water. Three of us (Ed, Diane and I) were taking a taxi cab because we had a meeting to attend at the American Museum of Natural History in […]

Even a Smile Counts Hello Kamilah, I agree a smile can turn someone day around. I remember one day I was going through some struggles and frowning up a storm. And this little girl smiled at me, she was so sweet. That small gesture brightened up my day.

Neteria NYC


Even a smile counts

Hello Kamilah, I agree a smile can turn someone day around. I remember one day I was going through some struggles and frowning up a storm. And this little girl smiled at me, she was so sweet. That small gesture brightened up my day. Nete ria NYC


  Even a smile counts

When you think there is no way to spread happiness, a smile can change that around. Next time you see someone with a unsatisfied face just smile to let them know life gets better.

GSU-kamilah williamson

  The Missing Wallet

Hello, Last week was the worst week yet to come. My wallet was stolen from me in the college of education building on Monday. It contained everything in it including my driver license,social security card and a lot of other important piece of info rmation I had a hard time retrieving […]

  Re: no i don’t hate poor man

Dear Rasha My name is Ray Nash and I attend classes at Georgia State University and after reading your reply to Menke’s letter about not hating poor people, I just wanted to share this thought with you. There are poor people all over the world. So me […]