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Hello from Uzbekistan!

Hi, my name is Sitora Khamidova,I am from Uzbekistan. I would like to tell you a little about that we do on project. On February 14, participants of the project “Good deeds” Gafurova Mushtariy, Radzhapova Zarnigor, Otazhonova Umida, Mirhalilova Durdona, SHeralieva Feruza, Hamzahonova Sarvinoz have organized the short appearances for children 1-3 classes. They delivered, conserts, also talented children has read their own poems. In the course of action, participants’ project have told to children about good action, about that that possible their make gratis. At the end of the action to class leaders and pupils themselves have thanked the girls.

Also beside us pass on given moment passes Social-active week. This week participants of the project helped the teachers, in ???????????? different action, concerto, quizs and contest. For instance, an invited oldsters were on all actions. The Participants of the project themselves have brought them in school, as well as back home. Here is due to project pupils started to help to each other.

Sitora Khamidova, Uzbekistan.

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