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How to do Good Deeds

Instructions:1- Ask someone what they need done. You may see someone struggling or looking tired. Go up and ask what you can do to help. You can help someone you know or you can help a complete stranger.

2- Do a task they may not want to do. Sometimes people are tired or ill. Help them with everyday chores that you know they are struggling with. Water their garden, help them clean, baby-sit their children, shovel their snow, rake their leaves or walk the dog.

3- Donate your time. Give a couple of hours a week to a local charity. You can stock shelves at the food bank or dish out meals at the homeless shelter.

4- Donate food or money to charity. Some people struggle all year round. Food banks and charities are always grateful to get your donations.

5- Leave an anonymous gift for someone. Imagine the look on someone’s face when they get a little gift for no apparent reason and from a secret person. You don’t need a thank you to know you did a good deed.

6- Cook a meal for someone. Bake some cookies. Help them cook. When people are ill, overwhelmed or grieving, the every day tasks can seem daunting. Take a load off someone’s shoulders by cooking a meal for them.

7- Organize a charity event. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Even a lemonade stand for charity, a toy drive or a food drive can make a big difference to those less fortunate. Charity events are good ways to help victims of a disaster.

Abdelrahman Eisa
Teacher: Tariq Refaat
Alsoqor model school

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