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Re: Lets make change in the world

Dear Rasha..

I’m Basem Younis from Zahran schools, first of all thank u for ur supporting opinion, Yomna and Sherouk r my partners this year for out project good deeds. We r working on doin the actions, as we talked about child labor, orphans, and many others subjects. Its all set up in our schduels and action plan, i guess its just gonna take a while, as we r preparing for tests and stuff, wish us good luck :grin:.

I would like to show u some of our work last year of the project good deeds 2004/2005, i made this web site so all people from everywhere can get to know wut we r doin and pointing to here.. , so if u check out the web site u will find wut we had already done, so we were doin lot of thinkin about new ideas and about how to help others, so we made up a plan which divided into two points, charity work and school work, we r goin to counitue the charity work as we talked before about taking part in eliminatio n of illiteracy, child labor, etc.. also about school work, we decided to do give some help to pupils in school, we thought about doin some slide shows about some lessons which may make it easier on our friends to understand, and we r tryin to put some more ideas, so do u have any more to share with us, and i’ll be glad for ur feedback about our last year web site and about our work this year, thanks a lot,

Hope to hear ur reply soon, peace out..
Basem Younis-Egypt Alex-Zahran schools

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