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GCE Students Promote Community Service As Part of Islam

Six GCE students at the Al Ma’arifa Secondary Girls School have put together a brochure promoting community service and emphasizing its important place in Islam as part of the Good Deeds project.

The Good Deeds project encourages students to make the world a little bit better th
rough small acts of kindness. They then share the stories of their good works in the iEARN online forums and learn from reading about the good deeds of their peers from around the world. The project aims to create proactive citizens who are able to serve their community, country, and the world in a positive and dynamic way.

The brochure devotes a panel to the emphasis given to community service in Islam, from the many Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad to the rewards promised to those who do good deeds. As the students point out, the rewards to be expected are spiritual in nature.

The brochure also suggests some ways that people can serve their community and points out the advantages of community service to society as a whole as well as the individual involved.


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