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Atlanta Service Learning Project

Hi all,
As a project for my Topics in Middle Childhood Education class, we were required to participate in a community service project. Me and two of my classmates choose to volunteer our time at the North Fulton charities. Our time there was spent organizing clothing donations to be put out in the thrift store portion of the building. I was glad that we could help because the building seemed to be overwhelmed with clothing donations and little volunteer help.

Also, I like the concept of a community thrift store, a place where people can go to buy second hand goods at a discounted price. In a sense, nothing goes to waste here at this charity house. I enjoyed doing the community work and I see the value of a project like this one in the classroom. A teacher can use a class community project such as this one in order to teach his/her students about the value of community involvement.

Kateri Shawcross
Georgia State University.

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