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Art Work SOS School, Lahore Pakistan

Here are some creative art work from some talented students in SOS school, Lahore, Pakistan.

I hope you like them. Please don’t forget to leave your comment on each entry.




Best of luck,

6 comments to Art Work SOS School, Lahore Pakistan

  • sana mayo

    hey im Sana mayo
    i was also a student of sos school in lahore
    i saw that pics on internet
    i was so happy
    plz Ms . shazia post some more photas

  • There must be some technique to stop these natural disastor from happening…we should think ahead of every risk, at the least we should do what we must be doing…

  • Deeann Ruckman

    hey, what entice you to post an article. This article was extremely interesting, especially since I was searching for thoughts on this subject last Thursday.

  • Sana

    I was a student of Imaginations pre school in Johar Town lahore
    (Pre School System) 310 / J2 Johar Town Lahore

    Lahore tele 35315034

  • hi all,

    I love the article, children in pakistan is so creative.. check this site [site removed].

  • jerry

    Good to see that talent like theirs is still out there today 🙂

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