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Good Deed


What you tried to do that day was the perfect example of a good deed. You took an everyday occurrence for that man, and went out of your way to help him. It is people like you who do good deeds in everyday situations. And that is what a good deed is. You go out of your comfort zone to help another person. The deed may not seem very big, but it truly is. I should know, because I go to school in Atlanta, GA at Georgia State University, and I see homeless men and women everyday on the streets begging f or food or money. Sometimes I take notice to them, but most of the time I continue doing my own business from the rush of the day’s schedule. I wish each time that I could help them, but I just don’t most of the time. You took a huge leap in doing your good deed. I admire that in you so much. Don’t get discouraged about him not being there. If he did not come back to find it, someone else did. And that someone had a fantastic and warm day just because of you.

God Bless You

Tara Hallam

Georgia State University

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