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Our BIG & Dangerouse Enemy

Hello I am Heba 17 YEARS OLD,FROM EGYPT … i ‘d like to say thank u very very very much for talkin about that very dangerous problem that threaten our life all over the world . i thank all people who get in here to talk about how to save our life but we all need a setiuation not just some words that we say through net and as it was said as it is forgeten…..please we should begine affective work from this moment … excuse me this is the programme :

1)we should get rid of smoking..

this is the first step plz do it if u see any one smokes, ask him/her to stop immediatly and throw this cigar or cigarret in the recycle..we have to be honest ..we will count how many people have done that in the 1st week and if the number was less than 1 00 person we shoul repeat not to give up hope it is not laughing matter we should have patience…ok let us gooooooo

From Egypt,

Heba with love

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