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Re: GOOD DEEDS, 2005-2006

I am just learning about the good deeds project, but here is my entry.
Brief Description of project:Meals on Wheels for the elderly

Full Description of project: I volunteered a a deliverer of hot meals to elderly patients throughout Atlanta Georgia. For the last month, on Tuesdays an Thursdays, I delivered meals to diabetic patients, elderly on dialysis, and some that have gotten too old to get around for themselves. My motive was just wanting to do something for the elderly because it is from them that we receive

Age level of participants : All adults-and college students

Projects such as these help the elderly know that even when all hope seems to be gone, someone out there cares.

What did I learn from this experience: I learned that it is important for all citizens to volunteer in the community if they want to be active and learning citizens of society. By volunteering you become aware of others peoples needs other than your own. Sometimes we live behind brick walls and don’t really see whats going on around us. I didn’t know that there were so many elderly people out there in need of hot meals. I guess because my grandmother is 73 years old and still cooks for us, I assumed this to be normal. But I encountered some people younger than grandma who couldn’t do much for themselves and didnt have family members around to help them. This experience also helped me to learn the importance of being reliable. A lot of the clients I served wanted their meals at a certain time of day and they voiced that to me the second day that I didn’t bring their meals when they expected. When you get elder, you have a system going. Young people like myself need to grow to this stage. I was so thankful for the experience.


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