Dear Anna, Aziza, Veronika, Dilya, Ilsiya, Dinara, Islam, Nasiba, Nigina, all dear friends in Bukhara and all over the world..
You can not imagine my happiness and pleasure while reading every single word you wrote from your simple hearts about poor people, being friendly to others, changing the world and changing one’s own sel f through good intentions and by changing attitudes. Creating peaceful communities and more.
I am happy to hear from all of you (one shoot) and looking for more contributions. I guess you are in one class, right? We look forward for more of your noble feelings and fruitful thoughts, this is exa ctly the original core concept of our group and this project.
Don’t forget to check your great thoughts in our portal at:
Forum Mirror: <>
We will also be happy to receive more ideas and more new topics to enrich this friendly forum, so think about it and think about ways to ~\_:: CHANGE THE WORLD::_/~ = through good deeds, your own lovely world.
Best wishes,
Ismail Fayed,
G.D. Coordinator,
Egyptian in KSA.