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GSU – Good Deeds in Atlanta

You must give some time to your fellow men even if it’s a little thing; do something for others, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.” – Albert Schweitzer

This quotation says a lot. I volunteer at my daughter’s school at least once a week. I do what ever needs to be done. I help out in the clinic, the media center, the classroom and even on the playground (hate outdoors). The one thing I enjoy most is helping students inside the classroom. I help some students with their with class work, other with reading and the list goes on. When I am unable to make it to the school I work from my house. There is always something to be done.

This experience has taught me that there is always work to be done in a classroom. Sometimes we send our children to school and many of us do not realize all the things that a teacher needs to do to run an effective classroom, especially in the lower grades. I know that all of t he things that I do in the classroom will benefit a lot of people especially me. I often tell my daughter’s teacher that I learn more from the students than I can ever teach them. I must say that this experience has taught me that as a future teacher, I will need the help of the entire community, not just the parents to perform my job and do it effectively.

Flaviana N
Georgia State University

Atlanta, GA

A Mother’s Love

My mom only had one eye. I hated her… she was such an embarrassment. My mom ran a small shop at a flea market. She collected little weeds and such to sell…anything for the money that we needed, she was such an embarrassment.

There was this one day during elementary school. I remember that it
was field day, and my mom came. I was so embarrassed. How could she
do this to me? I threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day
at school…”Your mom only has one eye?!” and they taunted me. I
wished that my mom would just disappear from this world, so I said
to my mom, “Mom, why don’t you have the other eye?! You’re only
going to make me a laughingstock. Why don’t you just die?” My mom
did not respond.

I guess I felt a little bad, but at the same time, it felt good to
think that I had said what I’d wanted to say all this time. Maybe it
was because my mom hadn’t punished me, but I didn’t think that I had
hurt her feelings very badly. That night…I woke up, and went to
the kitchen to get a glass of water. My mom was crying there, so
quietly, as if she was afraid that she might wake me. I took a look
at her, and then turned away.

Because of the thing I had said to her earlier, there was something
pinching at me in the corner of my heart. Even so, I hated my mother
who was crying out of her one eye. So I told myself that I would
grow up and become successful, because I hated my one-eyed mom and
our desperate poverty. Then I studied really hard. I left my mother
and came to Seoul and studied, and got accepted in the Seoul
University with all the confidence I had. Then, I got married. I
bought a house of my own. Then I had kids, too. Now I’m living
happily as a successful man.

I like it here because it’s a place that doesn’t remind me of my
mom. This happiness was getting bigger and bigger, when someone
unexpected came to see me “What?! Who’s this?!” …It was my
mother…Still with her one eye. It felt as if the whole sky was
falling apart on me. My little girl ran away, scared of my mom’s
eye. And I asked her, “Who are you? I don’t know you!!!” as if he
trying to make that real.

I screamed at her “How dare you come to my house and scare my daughter! GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!” And to this, my mother quietly answered, “oh, I’m so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address,” and she disappeared. Thank good ness… she doesn’t recognize me. I was quite relieved. I told myself that I wasn’t going to care, or think about this for the rest of my life.

Then a wave of relief came upon me…one day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. I lied to my wife saying that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went down to the old shack, that I used to call a house…just out of curiosity there, I found my mother fallen on the cold ground. But I did not shed a single tear. She had a piece of paper in her hand…. it was a letter to me.

She wrote:

My son…

“I think my life has been long enough now. And… I won’t visit Seoul anymore… but would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to come visit me once in a while? I miss you so much. And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I decided not to go to the school…. For you…

I’m sorry that I only have one eye, and I was an embarrassment for you. You see, when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye… so I gave you mine… I was so proud of my son that was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye. I was never upset at you for anything you did.

The couple times that you were angry with me. I thought to myself, ‘it’s because he loves me.’ I miss the times when you were still young
around me.

I miss you so much. I love you. You mean the world to me

My world shattered!!!
Then I cried for the person who lived for me… My MOTHER


GOD made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He molded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks, fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.

Re: "Learn From a Frog " – A nice short story..

Dear Mr. Ismael..

I’m yomna,, in fact ….. yamani. I’ve read your story and liked it a lot,, and really inside me i belive in this wishdom,, that if you wanted to do something, you get your strengh from inside yourself, and if you act like a deaf you’ll probably win,, And those who tell you words that will give you at the end to lose your attempt are ones who are disappointed , and really if you thought one time using the human’s logic you’ll not win any thing, you have to dream to continue living.. Every dream you wish to have or to do,, can come true,, but needs your own internal feeling,, this is Our life !!!

If you thought of many things that we have now,, like inventing cars and transporting systems ,, and traveling to space, and many other things, you’ll find that they were all at the begining Fantacy !!

Georgia State University-Good Deeds In Atlanta USA

Atlanta, expanding and emerging as an international city, has plenty of room for good deeds. The important thing about good deeds is that some one, some group, or some place some how experiences a change-a change for the better; and all because someone, some group, from some place cares.

We want everyone to know that we have time to care in a busy city with busy schedules. Tune in!

Naja Freeman.

Re: GOOD DEEDS, 2005-2006

We are starting this project with class 7th grade students. we have planned to make a small unit. where we are independent to help eah other. we are making mini bank. in this every one will deposit amount. we will get also donation form other. the purpose of this will be to help students and ohter people. ete. so please let us share with you. We will also want partnership with other to do the combine activities.

SOS School Lahore,

Re: GOOD DEEDS, 2005-2006

I am just learning about the good deeds project, but here is my entry.
Brief Description of project:Meals on Wheels for the elderly

Full Description of project: I volunteered a a deliverer of hot meals to elderly patients throughout Atlanta Georgia. For the last month, on Tuesdays an Thursdays, I delivered meals to diabetic patients, elderly on dialysis, and some that have gotten too old to get around for themselves. My motive was just wanting to do something for the elderly because it is from them that we receive

Age level of participants : All adults-and college students

Projects such as these help the elderly know that even when all hope seems to be gone, someone out there cares.

What did I learn from this experience: I learned that it is important for all citizens to volunteer in the community if they want to be active and learning citizens of society. By volunteering you become aware of others peoples needs other than your own. Sometimes we live behind brick walls and don’t really see whats going on around us. I didn’t know that there were so many elderly people out there in need of hot meals. I guess because my grandmother is 73 years old and still cooks for us, I assumed this to be normal. But I encountered some people younger than grandma who couldn’t do much for themselves and didnt have family members around to help them. This experience also helped me to learn the importance of being reliable. A lot of the clients I served wanted their meals at a certain time of day and they voiced that to me the second day that I didn’t bring their meals when they expected. When you get elder, you have a system going. Young people like myself need to grow to this stage. I was so thankful for the experience.


My pet

My pet name is Rosa.
He is a dog.
It’s colour black.
He likes to eat meat.
He likes to drink milk
from Kulith

My Mother

My mother’s name is Asha.
She’s 37 years old.
She is very pretty.
My mother Cooks me food.
My mother helps me to do my home work.
I love my mothert,
aND MY mother loves me too..
🙂 From Akila GAMAGE.
Royal colllege, Colombo.

Good Deeds We Must Do

We must do a lot of good deeds.
As children we must do a lot of good deeds.
Then we can call our selves good children.

From Thisura 🙂

Re: let’s help people

As I think helping people is a good thing to do as small children. We should help other people without expecting any gifts. We can enjoy helping others by making them happy.
