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Indonesia: My Brother and I

A good deed is like a train.
Once you do it, the other will follow…

My name is Bella. I live in Bogor and the student of 12th grade Senior High School 1 Bogor. I would share a good deed that I had experienced, so simple but it built a deep impression to me.

About 3 months ago, my little brother was seriously ill. Something wrong happened in his stomach. The doctor decided to do a surgery to him and it’s done successfully. My mother and my elder brother accompanied him in the hospital every day, but I had to go to school by myself.
For the first time in my life, I went to school by train. So I had to wake up earlier (at 05.00 AM) in order to catch the first train. Sometimes I had to stand up because there’s no empty seat to sit. My friends asked me,”Don’t you get tired because of it?”. Undoubtedly I said,”No, I enjoy it, eventhough I had to to school earlier and went home late, I just enjoy it!”. Well, I did it because I love my brother. I’ll do everything for him.

After one month, everything has been back to be normal again. Suddenly my brother gave me a gift that he bought . He said he gave it as a big thank for me. I’m so happy because he has been recovered.


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