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He doesn‘t say ”dear Mummy”

I was invited to read this new blog initiated by a mother of a disabled child. She is wonderfully uses her new blog to describe her feelings and actions while dealing with her dear son. It also gives us all an opportunity to contemplate and think for a minute about others around us. There are many things in life that we can’t realize, and there are others we can’t describe.. It is a virtue and a gift to have senses to see, feel, hear, and think of everything around you..

I leave you now to read this blog entry. You can find it in other languages in the main blog website:

He doesn‘t say ”dear Mummy”

Today is Mothers Day
I am a mother, too.
But my son doesn‘t congratulate me
Doesn‘t hug and kiss me
Doesn‘t collect flowers and let me smell
He doesn‘t say ”dear Mummy”

Yet, I have worked so hard for him
Cleaned him for years
Didn‘t eat when he couldn‘t eat
Didn‘t sleep when he couldn‘t sleep
Stayed with him when he was ill
He doesn‘t say “dear Mummy”.

My child can‘t speak
Can‘t play like his peers
Can‘t eat alone.
Can‘t get up when he falls down
My child is disabled
He can‘t say ”dear Mummy“.

© Özlem Y?ld?r?m

* I wrote this poem in 2005. My son can say ”Mummy“ and hug me now.

1 comment to He doesn‘t say ”dear Mummy”

  • Özlem

    Salam Ismail

    Thanks for posting my poem on your blog. My aim is to tell people who do not live with handicapped family members about ourselves and our feelings and by this make people think about the blessings they have in their lives. You seem to have immediately understood this message and showed me that I am doing the right thing. Thank you!
    I wish you success in your work.

    Özlem Y?LD?R?M

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