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Friendship with Disabled Students

More information about our elementary students friendship with disabled students from the specialized school # 86.

On May 20, 2008 40 elementary school students went to the trip around the most famous place in Ferghana region, Kokand town, a place of ruling the last Ferghana Region King (XV111-X1X centuries). Before the trip our students together with the disabled students made a research on history of the most famous places in Ferghana Region – the birth place of local ceramics – Rishtan, and traditional silk fabric “ATHLAS” – Margilan, the palace of the last Ferghana Regional King Khudoyar-Khan, etc. Students parents helped to find and organize information for presentations. The best presentation was about Kokand town, that’s why we decided to start our historical trips with Kokand. We visited Khudoyar-Khan Palace, Local Art Museum and have learned a lot about traditions and culture of our motherland. Especially important was that our friends from the specialized school # 86 were with us. Because themselves they couldn’t visit such interesting historical places

Nargiza Khasanova,
a teacher of English
Ferghana city,

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